Example sentences of "he is [adv] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
2 Police said they had not yet been able to identify the man but he is not believed to be local .
3 However , he is not presumed to be financially accountable for such decisions .
4 But he is also said to be intensely loyal to the woman who stood by him during his 27 years of imprisonment .
5 He is also believed to be embarrassed that one person should be earning so much when the recession and heavy unemployment has badly affected Coventry and the surrounding area .
6 He is also thought to be the same as the Asclepiodatus who was patricius of Provence , and was the recipient of letters from Gregory the Great in 599 and 601 .
7 He is also thought to be considering bringing members of the public into every school inspection team .
8 He is even said to be at liberty to play golf .
9 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
10 He is generally believed to be commemorated in the place name Caradon , which formerly applied only to the hill around which he held sway but now covers a complete District of South East Cornwall .
11 He can be a ‘ character ’ , a source of quaint rustic humour or homespun rural philosophy on such matters as the seasons and the weather , but he is rarely expected to be either forward-thinking or ‘ forward ’ in his demeanour .
12 Raper 's last known address was Quezon City in the Philippines though he is now thought to be in Switzerland .
13 It might come as something of a surprise to learn that he is now considered to be an Englishman .
14 He is still intended to be in control of his environment .
15 He is usually taken to be the author of a polished English version of Alain Chartier 's poem ‘ La Belle Dame Sans Mercy ’ , a fashionable contribution to the courtly debate about love provoked by the Roman de la Rose .
16 He is often said to be fixing a ‘ tariff ’ period ; and there is no harm in using that expression provided that one realises that it is the Home Secretary 's tariff , not the judges ' tariff .
17 He is commonly said to be mad , and may indeed be so , but his unreasoning rage is backed up by a keen and artistic mind .
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