Example sentences of "he may [adv] [vb infin] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale , in spite of Edward 's orders to the contrary .
2 He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale , in spite of Edward 's orders to the contrary .
3 At some time he may also have sent an expedition against Normandy which was defeated , and his Helmet coin type , perhaps current from 1003 to 1009 , depicts him in armour ; according to the surviving verse on him by the Icelandic poet Gunnlaug Serpent 's Tongue , the army feared Æthel-red no less than God , and N.P. Brooks has shown that he increased the military burdens on his people by requiring more of his soldiers to wear helmets and byrnies .
4 He may just have meant the girl , ’ pointed out Lane .
5 However , he may well have made the wrong choice for the right reason .
6 He kept in check the political and economic expectations of his people , but in so doing he may well have placed a burden on his young and untried successor , the fourteen-year-old Makhostive , his son by Ntombi Latfwala , who was queen regent of Swaziland from 1983 until the prince was crowned in April 1986 .
7 He may well have seen the picture in the great series of paintings in Pope Innocent II 's ( 1130 – 43 ) new rooms at the Lateran .
8 Borg had enjoyed what he may well have considered an unrepeatable run of success ; perhaps he thought it was all downhill from there .
9 It is also worth noting , however , that Gregory 's family was closely associated with Dijon , and that he may well have relished the prospect of a major cult close to his family estates .
10 Nonetheless , he may well have had a guilty conscience : he certainly tried to use his influence to poison Mozart 's career , out of sheer jealousy at the younger man 's superior talents ; but he does not seem to have been directly involved in his death .
11 The acceptance of Dalton as his patron by the uncompromisingly idealistic Richard seems odd , though he may not have realised the character of the man at this stage .
12 After Kissingen Alexander made Kavelin tutor to the heir to the throne , but he may not have realized the extent of the tutor 's radicalism .
13 If the patient has been misled or misinformed he may not have given a genuine consent or refusal .
14 He may not have won a championship , but he had taken Leeds from bottom of the table to fourth , their highest position ever , in a much stiffer competition than the Southern League .
15 He may not have attracted the cameras in quite the way the Princess did , but he certainly brought recognition and respectability to every company or organization whose threshold he crossed .
16 He mentions this ‘ fee ’ in his book , too ; he may not have relished the idea of paid officials cadging tips .
17 Presidential support scores are compiled by calculating the number of times members of Congress vote in a way preferred by the president , even though he may not have proposed the measure in question .
18 The restriction of conspiracy might seem to put the plaintiff at a disadvantage if the unlawful means is a tort against a third party or the breach of a contract to which the defendant is not a party but this is not necessarily so , for the defendant 's procurement of the commission of the tort may again expose him to liability as a joint tortfeasor , and as to a breach of contract he may anyway have committed the substantive tort of interference with an existing contract .
19 He may never have envisioned a situation in which it would be possible to specify in some detail the characteristics of the phylogenetic id , the evolutionary starting-point from which the modern id-ego organization began .
20 Durfey may have written the lyrics himself , adding a coded signature to cock a snook at his detractors ( ‘ The Town may da-da-da-m me as a poet , but they sing my songs for all that ’ ) ; or he may conceivably have acted the part himself , for money he appeared to need , and plenty of laughs backstage .
21 At the University , pursuing his hope of becoming an archaeologist ( he may really have meant an antiquarian ) , he was studying for three Honours Degrees .
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