Example sentences of "he do have a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
2 Maybe he did have a bit of something — cunning , animal cunning .
3 Though he did have a bit of a tan , unlike most of the men over here .
4 He did have a habit of railroading her into things , but she knew she would be crazy to refuse .
5 However he did have a lot of good things to saya bout Leeds when we were winning the title .
6 Nick is only a bystander , like the reader , and fairly impartial , although he does have a character of his own and separate events involved in his life , apart from Daisy and Gatsby .
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