Example sentences of "he have first [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His memories of that triumph had , of course , been soured by her departure , and now it was he who wore the hungry , yearning look he 'd first seen on Furie 's face .
2 It was fresh from the margins of that land he 'd first suspected in New York .
3 Karelius coped by employing a technique he had first developed at university and perfected in the army : that of chewing and swallowing whilst managing to divorce his mind completely from the organs of taste .
4 Eight-year-old Gerald pauses mid-way through extracting the marrow from a colobus bone with a short stick ( held between thumb and forefinger ) , which he had first stripped of leaves and broken to length .
5 He had first reported to Donleavy on the use of counterfeit money for DEA stings during the 1987 season , after Dany Habib had produced a sample from his desk drawer , but it was soon clear from what he observed at Eurame that this , too , had become standard operating procedure in his absence .
6 And the team talks he had first started at Leeds heightened their sense of involvement .
7 What he had first taken for height he soon realized was a product of high — very high — heels , and he guessed that without the lifts she would be around five foot , pleasantly featured , with a round face and perfectly round brown eyes that looked almost serene until he realized how hard they were .
8 Whitlock had been going to Le Chantilly restaurant on East 57th Street since he had first arrived in New York in 1980 .
9 Aged twenty-one and just commissioned when the Cigognes moved to Verdun , he had first leapt to fame the previous summer when , as a Corporal , he had despatched three German planes in a morning .
10 In two weeks ' time it would be one year since he had first come to Iraq .
11 Maidstone explained that he had first come to Italy after the First World War .
12 When he had first come to Maythorpe House as an ignorant thirteen-year-old who had never before lived in anything grander than a tiny gardener 's cottage , he had felt awed and frightened , and unable to grasp that this huge place was now his home .
13 When he had first come to Egypt Garvin had insisted that he stay with an Arab family perfecting his Arabic .
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