Example sentences of "he have be [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In goodwill tours of the Six Counties he has been heard to ask for alcohol-free lager and other exotic drinks .
2 Is that what he has been seeking to negotiate in the references that he made to the limitations on deficits ?
3 George Kidner came to me in a great state of mind because he has been asked to appear before a committee consisting of C. Bathurst , Peto & C. Mills & sitting at Central Office .
4 He has been invited to talk to other committees in the past and has decided not to do so .
5 She dramatically resigned after hearing that he has been invited to speak at the Green party conference next month .
6 We first encounter Anderson , a professor of ethics , on board a plane for Prague , where he has been invited to speak at a philosophy conference .
7 As a state party to the United Nations Convention Against Torture , Egypt is required to ‘ ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to , and to have his case promptly and impartially examined by , its competent authorities … ’
8 Nominating him , the Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , declared : ‘ Although he has been forced to live on the fringe of society , he has retained his moral integrity . ’
9 Kelly trains as hard as the rest of the squad at a sports centre in nearby Stone , but according to the team 's joint manager , Ken Roberts , he has been known to polish off three Chinese take-aways afterwards .
10 He has been known to ban from his salon journalists who have criticised Saint Laurent 's more feeble efforts .
11 Since then he has been permitted to search on Crown estates in Morayshire which were last excavated by the Duke of Richmond in 1860 .
12 Will he get his right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Energy to take action now , as he has been urged to do by the European Energy Commissioner , to stop pit closures in this country , given that we produce the cheapest deep-mined coal in the European Community ?
13 MICHELLE Pfeiffer 's boyfriend Fisher Stevens says he has been left shattered by the break-up of their three-year relationship .
14 He 'd been remanded to appear in court for a driving offence , ’ Fairham said .
15 Two days earlier he had been driving troop carriers at Kuchino , one of the KGB 's training centres outside Moscow , and now he 'd been asked to drive for General Benin no less .
16 He 'd been asked to get in touch with Mike for advice .
17 Kate gave him a suspicious look , but he seemed to have recovered from the rage she 'd been fairly sure he 'd been trying to keep under control before she left the room .
18 so as he 'd been trying to get through it was always engaged .
19 A few minutes later he was uncorking a fine claret in Masha 's room , saying he had something to celebrate : he 'd been invited to breakfast at Downing Street to help brief Maggie for her trip to Poland .
20 He 'd been ordered to report to the Ministry by his Adjutant , and either there had been some colossal mistake or he 'd been sent for under false pretences .
21 Saad had taken his own life the night the news had gone round that he 'd been caught sleeping with a travelling shepherd .
22 Soon after she had arrived here , this evening , he 'd been forced to go to his study to take a transatlantic telephone call .
23 ‘ I would mine uncle would let me have my life , though he takes my crown , ’ he had been heard to say on one occasion .
24 Of course , on any theory , the ceremony by which he had been invested conformed to no canonical rules of election or investiture , and it is astonishing — or rather , it would be astonishing in anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Canon Law — that among all his other objections , Anselm never mentioned the defective procedure as a reason for refusing the office .
25 His father had been too upset to talk to Darren about it and he had been sent to stay with an aunt that he did not know very well .
26 Dr Martin Brewer of the Institute of Geological Sciences in Britain reported that the material he had been sent did in fact cont–in asbestos .
27 We had a very happy collaboration in Berlin over Mozart 's Die Zauberflöte , which he had been wanting to do for a number of years .
28 It was something he had been wanting to do for over ten years , but , now that he had done it , he had destroy something that had been between them — a mysterious , almost exquisite , promise of delight .
29 Despite the urgency of the summons , he had been kept waiting in Stevenson 's outer office long enough to read the early edition of the Evening Standard .
30 He assumed , as he had been led to believe at meetings with General Helmuth von Moltke immediately prior to the war , that Germany would at the outset deploy some eight corps in East Prussia .
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