Example sentences of "he have [vb pp] with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For me , it was as much a personal triumph for the coach , Ian McGeechan , as anybody else , because of what he has achieved with this side in such a short space of time .
2 He has flirted with that theme .
3 4.1 Our proposals for reform recognise the importance of two principles : First , a landlord or a tenant of property should not continue to enjoy rights nor be under any obligation arising from a lease once he has parted with all interest in the property .
4 He 'd answered with some folderol about seeking the ideal woman , but he 'd known the truth even as he was spinning her this tosh , and it was a bitter thing .
5 It was worth the risk he 'd taken with these theatrics , just to see them afraid .
6 He acknowledged now that the majority of people , the great brown mass of the fieldworkers , had not even been noticed by the visionary pharaoh he had followed with such devotion , let alone been affected by his thinking .
7 2 June Beijing University postgraduate student Chai Qing Feng dies as a result of wounds received during a ‘ brawl ’ at a snack bar near to campus where he had gone with some friends to buy drinks .
8 It was impossible to persuade himself that he had cohabited with this woman — that they had slept together — eaten together — planned their lives together .
9 He shrugged , relaxing a little ; he had dealt with this sort of question before .
10 He 's stuck with that girl I say cos I mean she 's a lot older than he is , but they 're stuck together yeah , cos Carol must be near my age
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