Example sentences of "he have [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He has to do more than they do , and he has to keep it up for much longer .
2 By the 1970s he 'd moved it back onto the street .
3 If only because he did n't have it to give — he 'd sent it off with his first letter .
4 She 'd given him her trust and he 'd thrown it back in her face , practically falling over himself in his haste to share the story with this woman .
5 He 'd carried it around with him , framed by the mirror 's gilt , like some kind of talisman .
6 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
7 And since he 'd opened it up in the first place — and he definitely owed David Dennis a drink for putting him onto it — every chance of a couple of TV spots on the strength of it .
8 He was holding a crumpled plastic carrier bag with some fashionable logo on it — presumably he 'd got it out of a dustbin .
9 He had given it up for his very inferior car when he started courting Big Brenda out of the Biology lab — Biological Brenda , as Preston called her , who gave them lessons on sex , and no doubt Sam as well .
10 When he had met Ivy at Crepi 's dinner party her appearance had struck him as so wilfully bizarre that he had written it off as a freak effect , as though all her luggage had been lost and she 'd had to raid the oddments put aside for collection by the missionary brothers .
11 He had opposed it along with the rest of the General Advisory Committee but it was no clear-cut moral stand : ‘ I never urged anyone not to work on the hydrogen bomb project , ’ he told the inquiry .
12 Scarlet thought first that this sentiment could be attributable to Barbs , then that , in view of her own lack of a career , it was insensitive of Brian to mention it and then that he had said it out of spite .
13 He had built it out of practically nothing for the local amateur dramatic society and it had sat resplendently on the stage like something fetched straight from the nearest wood , so real , yet with touches of the bizarre , so brown , so greyish , so admired , so solid .
14 The squire 's white velvet purse had weighed him down , and though he had slipped it out of his jerkin and felt it sink past his feet , coins still seemed to be clinging to his armpit .
15 She closed her book ; her papa had given it to her before she left for England and she blushed a little on remembering how short she had been with him when he had handed it over to her .
16 Mother used to say he had to work it out of his system .
17 Ward 's payment was agreed with Saunders ‘ a man who had huge authority in that company because he had picked it up by the scruff of the neck and transformed it . ’
18 In all probability he had thrown it out with the rest when he had moved to London in 1973 .
19 He had read it out to him but he knew that he 'd missed out bits .
20 This would certainly have been within the power of an omnipotent being , but if he had started it off in such an incomprehensible way , why did he choose to let it evolve according to laws that we could understand ?
21 I found out that my friend 's games , my friend 's games but he he 's lent it out to some
22 Now he 's got it down to as little as a couple of weeks .
23 Well yes he 's signed it over to her has n't he ?
24 So since his old fella died and he could n't take it out on him , he 's taken it out on his young missis and the young ‘ uns . ’
25 Erm and all manner of people have been invited to participate and Aston was and I think got this initially but he 's passed it on to me er so er yeah anyway let's let's see if I can get the thing rolling again .
26 He used to smoke sixty cigarettes a day and says he 's brought it down to between fifteen and twenty roll-ups .
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