Example sentences of "he have [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and what I was a really impressed with he , he balanced the , the human , what he felt were the human strengths of the school what it felt like you know , what the people were like in it and erm I think that 's made his decision more difficult because he has n't just gone on the ec the academic side of it he looked at the , the all round aspects of it .
2 Mr Smart says he has n't yet heard from the TV Licensing Office .
3 He has n't properly spoken to me since our refusal to carry drugs .
4 Graham argued that all this is indicative of a person who has n't grown , fully grown out of his childhood worries , problems , especially the er , he has n't actually dealt with the true feelings that he had towards his father , and who instead chose to vent his rage on others and political career , which resulted in Wilson being , er well , losing some of his rationality , which led to his poor performance in er negotiating and gaining acceptance of the Treaty of after World War One .
5 I know he has n't really gone to the shops .
6 He 's 17 , admits that in the past he has n't always remained on the right side of the law , but is now staying off the streets , with the help of the trax project .
7 He has also repeatedly called for the Union Jack to be removed from Australia 's flag , but this is the first time that he has outlined a timetable for change .
8 Zero speaks of Kojak , who he has also never met in their five-year , digitallydriven ‘ friendship ’ .
9 He has also possibly benefited from the personal attacks on him by Mr Bush , such as being dubbed ‘ a two-faced pumpkin from Arkansas . ’
10 During the debate , a member who thinks that the original motion could be improved is at liberty to move an amendment , provided that he has not previously spoken to the motion .
11 At the same time , the purchaser will not wish to return cash to the vendor that he has not yet collected from debtors , nor will the purchaser be willing to use its own funds to satisfy creditors on behalf of the vendor .
12 ‘ He has a lot of ideas that he has not yet shared with the public .
13 He 's not seen me , they 've gone straight past , he has not yet come to terms with the fact that his mummy 's a queen .
14 A guilt compounded by the suicide five years ago of his sister Angela ( nine years his senior ) , with which he admits he has not yet come to terms .
15 He has not yet come to a conclusion on that .
16 these three are all very good defenders as mentioned in previous postings by me and all would have fitted fine at Leeds — but i feel that the jewel of the collection is Johnsen — he has speed and is extremely flexible — and he has not yet signed for Spurs — so he might still be in for a trial at Leeds .
17 We see that he has not simply yielded to the stronger of two pulls , as would be the case if , for example , he never overcame a fear of being uprooted which he judges cowardly , and ever after said to himself ‘ I ought to have gone ’ .
18 Allott , also 35 , was recalled from holiday in Wales to discover his fate , but it could hardly have been a surprise as he has not regularly figured in Lancashire 's games this season .
19 He has not only remained in his job as a chemical engineer but has also been promoted twice and is now principal chemical engineer with Ciba , in Paisley .
20 The view that he changes is not usually very considered and , from his short statement , he has clearly not studied in depth either of the judgments that we are discussing today .
21 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
22 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what response he has so far received on his White Paper about reform of local government .
23 Providing he retains control ( which he has so far succeeded in doing ) , he can play the media and not be affected by the media 's idiosyncrasy .
24 Although Mr Major has said he wants the debate over Scotland 's future to be extended , he has so far refused to be drawn on the need for a referendum .
25 When the story begins Marco , a strong , handsome lad of twelve , is beginning to see more meaning in the oath he has so often sworn on his father 's sword , brought out from its hiding-place under the floorboards of their lodging :
26 It has embroiled Dr Sandage in such controversy that at times he has almost completely withdrawn from the world .
27 To his surprise he finds himself basically in agreement on a wide range of questions which he has never really thought about before .
28 Although his head was throbbing almost intolerably , he 'd felt sober enough to ring for breakfast in his room , and had done his best to contemplate the ‘ Full English ’ he 'd so foolishly ordered for 7 a.m .
29 One day , on a long walk , he 'd almost literally bumped into Fergus Urvill , crouching in a hide up amongst the folds in the hills , waiting with telescope and .303 for a wounded Sika deer .
30 So my father did n't know what to do , because he 'd only just started on his own , so he was tight for money as well was n't he .
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