Example sentences of "he be [vb pp] [prep] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The move caused some surprise in Whitehall , where the belief is that it would be damaging to Mr de Klerk if he were seen to be making reformist moves because of external pressure .
2 It would certainly damage the apostle 's prophecy of future judgment of the world by God if he were found to be making reference to events which were only myth and legend .
3 He is understood to be suffering from exhaustion .
4 He is understood to be pressing ahead with the rest of the agenda set by his predecessor , Mr Douglas Hurd , including a white paper proposing less use of imprisonment for non-violent offenders .
5 He is understood to be siding with ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey in backing the England bid , knowing he is a leading candidate to next summer become the first non-English chairman of world cricket 's governing body .
6 ‘ He suffered a stroke , but I believe he is said to be recovering . ’
7 The quiet life obviously palled : he is said to be making a comeback .
8 He is said to be blaming ‘ Unionists ’ intransigence ’ for creating an atmosphere of hopelessness in City Hall .
9 He is believed to be carrying a hand gun and should not be approached , ’ he said .
10 Neither is an overexcited horse likely to win a showjumping contest , because at every jump he is likely to get more and more excited and to concentrate less and less on what he is meant to be doing .
11 He is reported to be negotiating the complete withdrawal of the 1,500 Soviet military advisers .
12 He knows better than that , and anyway he is rumoured to be paying the Italian genius a lot of money for his one-box design vision that forms part of BMW 's long-rumoured MPV programme .
13 A person is entitled to act for the protection of livestock if either the livestock or the land on which it is belongs to him or to any person under whose express or implied authority he is acting ; and he is deemed to be acting for their protection if and only if , either :
14 He 's said to be recovering well from an eyelid operation and reconstructive surgery on his nose .
15 He 's said to be recovering well from an eyelid operation and reconstructive surgery on his nose .
16 he 's bound to be coming in and wanting to be starting that job
17 Okay , it might be fun watching John McConnell chasing after Michael when he 's meant to be marking Morton and Gary Peebles putting the shackles on Morton while Michael runs free …
18 He says he 's thought to be carrying a pump action shotgun and may now be a traveeling criminal .
19 Now the police are looking for him again — he 's thought to be heading back to Milton Keynes after running away on a visit to court in London .
20 ‘ … that it would look much better if he was seen to be supporting indigenous native art as well as looking to Africa or Latin America .
21 The passive is certainly more impersonal and factual than the active construction but nevertheless one feels that an analysis such as that of Palmer and Higgenbotham , which equates He was seen to walk away and He was seen to be walking away as both having the reporting " see that " meaning , loses sight of a slight but real semantic distinction .
22 He was seen to be attacking the moral , manly roots of English public life with the aid of effeminate , aristocratic tastes .
23 He crouched down behind the service hatch in an instinct not to be seen , and then the alcohol stirred in his veins and he was emboldened to be rebuking , lecturing them about making a noise and then , with extreme lordliness , cooking them a very bad meal at no charge .
24 He was believed to be concentrating , however , on ( i ) guarantees of no military attack on Iraq in the event of its compliance , to be backed up by a UN peacekeeping force and arrangements under which the US and allied forces would withdraw from the region ; ( ii ) suggestions for some form of political expression for Kuwaitis after the withdrawal of the al-Sabah regime ; and ( iii ) the understanding that an international conference would discuss the Palestinian issue at the earliest convenient time .
25 Nicu Ceausescu , the son of the late dictator Nicolae Ceausescu , was released from prison on Nov. 24 on health grounds ; he was said to be suffering from cirrhosis of the liver .
26 He was said to be fuming because she had n't told him where she was staying during her family skiing holiday in Klosters .
27 One man was evicted when he was discovered to be carrying two small cans of paint .
28 Well when , when Friar Lawrence returned when he was meant to be giving the letter to Romeo , I was just devastated , I did I just did n't know what to do so all I could do was rush down to the graveyard and try and stop Romeo , by the time I was there it was too late .
29 He had uttered more words of advice to them than to the girl he was meant to be treating .
30 He said that the £8 million he was reported to be investing in City was ‘ purely conjecture ’ .
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