Example sentences of "he be [noun] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I know one fellow called Ashworth , he were bit of a coal merchant , I remember him shouting one day across to somebody , ‘ I backed a winner . ’
2 Riding , she had noticed how straight he held himself in the saddle , how unruffled he had been when leading his horse across a fast-flowing stream , how easily he brought his mount to jump a wall ; as though he were part of the animal he rode .
3 If he were master of the house , no maid would address a senior employee of the master 's by his Christian name .
4 But Nocker , the part he played in Camel was no Bilko , even though he threw his weight around just as though he were head of the transport squad at Fort Baxter .
5 He is champion of the sceptics , and he sallies forth with his banners flying .
6 He is part-owner of a Tiger Moth .
7 If the rest of his regiment is also mounted , he may ride in a two-horse chariot at a cost of +56 points if he is part of a unit of Tiranoc Charioteers .
8 He can usually take for granted initial student motivation , educational level and intelligence ; he is part of a system which already expects the student to spend a considerable proportion of his time in private study , and which usually provides at least minimal facilities for this to take place .
9 But George , calmly , will impress on him how he is part of a team and the profound effect his actions are having on the success of the club .
10 On the whole speculation is frowned upon because it sometimes drives prices up in a monopolistic fashion ( through the cornering of some market ) and because it creates volatility ; yet where the speculator is a skilled trader in risks he is part of the system .
11 We are extremely pleased that he is part of the family . ’
12 The proper scientist sees reality through a glass darkly — and believeth all facts , heareth all facts and seeth all facts , but still has to reckon with the fact that he is part of the experiment and may be seeing the reflection of his own opinions .
13 He is called to the realisation that he is part of the force , the force is god , and therefore he is god .
14 He is chancellor of the University of Aston in Birmingham , a trustee of the Bournville Village Trust and president of the
15 He is chairman of a number of companies , including K.C.A. Drilling plc , Sherwood International Ltd , Industrial Technology Securities Ltd , and Mullholland Ltd .
16 He is Chairman of the London Regional Passengers ' Committee and Chairman of the educationist , consumer champion , author and Health and Social Welfare Sector Programme broadcaster .
17 He is chairman of the Council of the Scottish Business School , the Prison Reform Trust and the Scottish Enterprise Foundation .
18 He is chairman of the Edinburgh and East of Scotland Association of the Institution of Civil Engineers and is a member of the Scottish Council for Development and Industry .
19 He is Chairman of the UIM 's Personal Watercraft Commission including Jenskies a particularly hot seat if ever there was one .
20 He is chairman of the authority that has taken over the 16,200 hectare ( 40,000 acre ) site and mayor of Olongapo City , the town that grew up alongside the base .
21 In addition , he is chairman of the trustees of the Science museum and pro-chancellor of Surrey University .
22 He is chairman of the Redcar course .
23 He is chairman of the IAEA 's Nuclear Safety Advisory Group , which gives him a pivotal role in co-ordinating the safety policies of all countries that have nuclear installations .
24 He is Chairman of the College Board of Governors .
25 He is head of the Matabeleland Farmers ' Union .
26 He is head of the judiciary , but he is also a politician and a member of the Cabinet .
27 He is president of a number of business-related associations , including the Industrial Building Bureau , the Industrial Marketing Research Association , the Institute of Mechanical $ General
28 Among those watching the Championships were the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe ( SHAPE ) General Sir Brian Kenny the President of the Army Winter Sports Association ; Air Chief Marshal Sir Patrick and Lady Hine , he is President of the RAF Winter Sports Association ; Air Vice Marshal Sandy Wilson , Captain Sally Holt , Maj.- General and Mrs John Wilsey , and Colonel Robin McQuoid , very proud of his daughter 's successes .
29 Their conversation was interrupted by the familiar sound of a girl 's badly-acted laughter from behind the bead curtain which led to the interior of the brothel , punctuated by the growling of a man who is under the illusion that he is cock of the dunghill .
30 He is vice-chairman of the Darlington and district hospice appeal and president of the Rotary Club , the Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society and the Friends of the Memorial Hospital .
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