Example sentences of "he [vb mod] still [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He could still smell the scent of wet skin , and feel the weight of Pie'oh'pah 's body on his hips , this so persuasive he had an erection apparent enough to draw a stare from one of the stewardesses .
2 And the ordeal of putting up the lists — he could still feel the brute weight of Allan Stewart 's shoulder jolting him aside , the smell of whisky on his breath , and then the twilit hours lying low beside the minister in the church , waiting for the hubbub outside to die away .
3 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
4 Mind racing , he could still hear the music .
5 He could still remember the taste of that blue icing .
6 He could still remember the piece of folded exercise book paper , the three pound notes and the pile of coins at eye level .
7 Twenty years later he could still recall the event : ‘ I can think about my loyal dog buried in the snow , ’ ( Death Of A Lady 's Man ) .
8 He could still recall the sense of dread that hung over him for days as he waited to be thrashed for that escapade .
9 Nearly half a year later , in the summer heat , he could still recall the feeling of the cold air on his skin , the way his ears became numb with the freezing cold , the way he kept bursting out laughing , holding up his arms to the cloudy dark orange sky .
10 They must once have been the focus of her beauty , and although they were sunken now , he could still see the glint of intelligence behind them .
11 If he got up and peered closely enough he would still see the prick of that vanished drawing-pin in the plaster .
12 The heir to the Blenheim Palace estate is now serving his third jail sentence , but unless the law is changed he will still inherit the title of Duke of Marlborough .
13 It is likely that he will still need the list of solicitors but , by not immediately closing the interview , the adviser may have explored issues which are important , which John may not have thought worth telling the solicitor .
14 Should he divorce , he can still attain the throne .
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