Example sentences of "he [vb mod] have [be] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He may have been off colour in the World Cup , but he had set a fine example to others .
2 A second and earlier poem Moliant Cadwallon ( ‘ In Praise of Cadwallon ’ ) , possibly by Cadwallon 's bard , Afan Ferddig , celebrates Cadwallon 's victorious progress against Eadwine ‘ the deceitful ’ after his return from Ireland , where he may have been in exile , though an alternative possibility is that he had been gathering reinforcements there .
3 When we got home I was surprised to see Dad sitting in his usual seat because he should have been at work .
4 It was the middle of the after noon , he should have been at work .
5 He should have been at boarding school , but his mother , who loved him very much , had brought him home for a month or two , because she thought his health was delicate .
6 In the forty third minute , Foyle volleyed wide from fifteen yards when really he should have been on target after receiving from Magilton , and as referee Taylor was looking at his whistle to blow it for half time , United skipper , Steve Foster drove forward from the edge of the penalty area , shrugged off a couple of challenges , hit a good low shot , seemingly under the body of Gosney , but Gosney 's body just halted the flow of the ball .
7 He should have been in bed , but it was breathlessly hot , and Richard , who was at home , had been irritated by his whining .
8 I often saw him wandering about in the fields and lanes or fishing in quiet reaches of the river when he should have been in school .
9 Watt , out for a sabbath stroll past the Golf-House on Glasgow Green when he should have been in church , had a flash of inspiration that was to change the lives of every man , woman , and bairn on planet earth .
10 I did n't want to get into soap opera conversation about it with him , but on the occasions that we did talk about it , both of us felt that someone , with perhaps a little more eye on reality , would have realised that he should have been in hospital and not at home unable to reach oxygen .
11 Improbable as it was , he must have been in love with her .
12 It 's really difficult for me to measure these sorts of things , but if you stop and look at him , he must have been in pain .
13 Some strange noises came from one of the children and Asik thought he must have been in pain .
14 He must have been in town after all .
15 Carlo and McGowan stood on either side of the embalmer , he might 've been in custody .
16 He might have been at bingo . ’
17 This guy when he the policeman spoke to him afterwards , his words to the policeman Now let's bear in mind he might have been in shock .
18 That 's right , but Locke was turning it on , on occasion and and just could n't strike at all , except for the one wicket , if he bowled quicker and quicker he might have been in trouble .
19 He could have been at home to meet her .
20 Then having to kill forty minutes when he could have been in bed and now this : the delay in visiting the dry cleaner 's meant a vital piece of evidence might have been destroyed .
21 As I understood er Mr 's position , he would have been on behalf of the Parish Council who are the only er people who are concerned about this as I understand , who raised an objection at this er at this stage they they would have been quite happy with the proposition that I 've put forward on behalf of the County Council .
22 He would have been at home as a sixteenth-century Elizabethan , categorizing people according to their essential natures ; choleric , melancholic , mercurial , saturnine , qualities mirroring the planets that governed their birth .
23 Without the thriving Fish he would have been in debt .
24 As a schoolboy it was thought he would have been in line for an International cap had the war not prevented all that .
25 In his statement of claim the plaintiff admitted that since termination of the contract he had by reason of continuing to work within the insurance industry acted in such a way that , if the contract were still subsisting , he would have been in breach of clause 9A .
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