Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] with the " in BNC.

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1 The presenter had been advised confidently by Coutts before he left London that , should funds be required , he should telephone them with the code-word Jabberwocky .
2 Perhaps he should refresh himself with the facts .
3 He 'll fit you with the latest in Japanese-made static infra-red detectors .
4 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
5 But this was n't his case ; he could discuss it with the detachment of a man who has a professional interest but no responsibility .
6 Steven decided that if he could n't come up with a definitive artistic statement to impress the grown-ups , then at least he could impress them with the definitive bank statement .
7 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
8 It might well be of concern to him , for example , if the content of a particular religion proved to be at odds with the ethical criteria he would associate himself with the concept of Truth .
9 A gentleman of the faculty in the neighbourhood , hearing of the circumstance , and finding it so well authenticated , immediately made him an offer of ten guineas for the dog , which the grateful farmer refused , exultingly adding that so long as he had a bone in his meat , or a crust to his bread , he would divide it with the faithful friend who had preserved his life : arid this he did in a perfect conviction that the warmth of the dog , in covering the most vital part , had continued the circulation arid prevented a total stagnation of the blood by the frigidity of the elements . "
10 Had he really said that he would share her with the whole of Fighter Command , or was that an erotic fantasy born of her own desire ?
11 Athelstan had hidden his smile beneath a stern look and said he would discuss it with the church council .
12 ‘ Why not , if he can provide us with the answer . ’
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