Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 While he may fell constrained electorally and by the highly effective brewers ' lobby to keep the increase on drink to the rate of inflation , nobody will worry too much if the duty of cigarettes is increased , as widely predicted , by double the inflation rate .
2 He may have realised earlier than most of us that the King was in the long run unfitted to be King .
3 Cos he thinks he should have done better than that and he 's right he should of done better .
4 You could say that with all the service Deane gets from the midfield he should have scored more than two ( as I say Lee 's got 4 & he gets hardly any service ! ) .
5 But what Mario liked to talk about most often — aside from the intricacies of the sport , its management and its personalities , all of whom fascinated him , and its machines , which absorbed much of his mind — was his past , his ‘ folks ’ , his kids , his life and how funny it was that he should have wound up where he was .
6 Shortly afterwards he went missing in the cauldron of the Ruhr , I only wanted to tell him he should have got more than 30 bob a piece for them .
7 And he should have known better than to have his secretary type it .
8 He should have known better than to think Ben would not ask that question .
9 He should have known better than agree to support a magistrate whose hatred of gipsies was so well known .
10 ( Stone 1988 : 38 ) ( " When Agamemnon does the unthinkable , i.e. brings his concubine home , something which he should have known better than to do … " )
11 ( implies " he should have known better than to … " )
12 ( The Times , 13 June 1974 : 25.4 ; in Erdmann 1982 : 104 ) ( " Mr Benn has dared do something he should have known better than to do , given Prime Minister Wilson 's present hostility towards any statement that might upset private industry . " )
13 He had only one more room to do , he said , and he should have finished long before this but he 'd been badly delayed in the car on the other side of the dining car , which he had in his care also .
14 She reached for Miguel 's hand , but he must have moved back and she could n't feel him near her .
15 He must have left suddenly or else he would have … ’
16 He stopped abruptly , and she knew he must have looked up and seen her .
17 He wrote a poem about his friend Francis Thompson , and in it there are many echoes of his own sad youth in which he must have wondered often if his mind would flower too late for good .
18 Next to his plate was a jotting pad and pen which he must have picked up as he passed the navigation station .
19 At some point he must have got up and opened the window .
20 He must have tried hard because soon afterwards there was a report of an engagement .
21 Aye , that 's what he might have said like before he could fax it up .
22 We 'd never talked about that day , and we never again came near this old air shaft ; I do n't know what he might have done since but I 'd always assumed he was like me and just tried to forget about it , pretend it never happened .
23 If he had , he might have gone out and had a look .
24 He might have pressed on but the sight of a group of hassling crows on a chalk slope below attracted him .
25 He might have sold up before she arrived here .
26 The teller then offered to accept their count , but the Zuwaya objected that he might have stolen more than a hundred votes .
27 If only he had known enough , he might have come privately and hoped for a reward !
28 He I thought he might have sneaked out and come back again when I know he would n't leave Robert like , you know
29 Sometimes , he wondered whether he might have died already and not realised it .
30 So what 's Yeah but he could have turned round and said No , so what 's he actually done ?
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