Example sentences of "he [vb -s] been [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He has been challenged many times on the weak link in his case , which is that since American firms are free to relocate to Mexico , a trade agreement is the best way to make sure that American interests are protected .
2 He has been granted legal aid for the case , which if successful could lead to hundreds of other claims .
3 Sometimes , however , a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change .
4 Gardiner , the Observer 's architectural critic , knew Epstein , Lady Epstein and their family from the early Fifties and this biography is authorised in that he has been given unprecedented access to family papers , including letters between the artist and Kathleen Garman .
5 He has been advised that rest is the only remedy for a recurring groin strain .
6 He has been pursued all year by race fan Newman and his Chicago business partner Carl Haas .
7 He has been offered alternative deals to cover both options .
8 He has been refused one review already .
9 Mr Hooke says he has been told that Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine is also looking at the deal , along with Welsh Secretary John Redwood and Employment Secretary David Hunt to see if it is in the best interests of the shareholders and taxpayers .
10 Panic may often set in , with the fishkeeper not really knowing what to do and wondering whether it 's his fault , or if he has been sold sick fish .
11 He 's been granted conditional bail until October the twenty-second .
12 It 's obvious that he 's been sent some kind of message , and I believe in these things .
13 John Gorman says it 's good value for an international striker and he 's been given great support by the board to go and out and strengthen the side … he thinks Jan will help them in the premier league … ,
14 He 's been arrested 32 times for shoplifting , but each time magistrates ruled the offences were n't serious enough for him to be detained , where he might have got the treatment he needs .
15 He 's been offered all sorts of consultancies at lots of London hospitals . ’
16 marketing , he 's been offered two D's
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