Example sentences of "he [vb -s] a [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he has a message for Mr Patten .
2 I know he has a reputation for toughness that could match Martin 's any day , but the difference is that everything he does is legal and above board .
3 His brother Gavin frets him , and he has a longing for Gavin 's wife , together with a more urgent one for a teacher at the school , Alison Houston , who could be felt to lead him on a bit but does n't want to have a ‘ relationship ’ with him .
4 It 's a good sign if he has loved someone a lot , it shows that he has a capacity for love . ’
5 He does not smoke , but despite his diet , he has a penchant for champagne and his favourite food is said to be lobster .
6 He has a passion for information and a like passion for exactness in whatever he does .
7 The powerful Goellner , 6ft 5in , put out Petr Korda in Paris last month to help boost his ranking to 34 , but showed at Queen 's last week that he has a game for grass .
8 He quotes a figure for deaths from liver failure after an overdose of paracetamol and states this may be an underestimate as ‘ many cases of liver failure may not be attributed to a suicidal overdose to alleviate bereaved relatives ’ distress . ’
9 He shows a talent for gardening . ’
10 ULSTER 'S Darren Clarke hopes to be free of a wrist injury by the time he catches a flight for France tomorrow .
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