Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He wins by being fair to his people and resisting any selfish and unfair demands on their part .
2 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
3 He has to be sure of me .
4 he has to be able to sudden changes in the game 's pattern , for a single lack of judgment is likely to be more decisive than in the longer game .
5 ‘ Everything around playing has to be organised very carefully and he has to be mature in choosing the right time to play off the court .
6 Pearce believes a professional manager can be equally successful at running a variety of companies , but he needs to be selective about the switches he makes .
7 Nowadays a chief executive has to have a strong understanding of finance , he needs to be good at public relations , he must understand technology , he must be able to cope with labour problems and he must ( as always ) be a good selector of people .
8 He needs to be aware of the social reasons pulling at ordinary people , the conditions of work in an industrial society , the nature of a people 's amusements .
9 Finally he has decided that I 'm just the vet he needs to be responsible for their health . ’
10 I also want to establish the degree to which he wants to be true to the facts , such as they are .
11 He wants to be ready with something his own people have prepared , as soon as the alarm goes up from the Secretary of the Cabinet .
12 Well it 's bound to me , he must get fed up , but eh , he do n't really want a job like , full time , he wants to be able to he gets fed up of it being full time after a while .
13 The mother who ‘ ca n't be so cruel ’ as to wake her sleeping baby if he happens to be asleep at the appointed feeding-time , fails to realize that a few such wakings would be all she would have to resort to …
14 erm , well I think it 's , do , erm I do n't know whether you understand what 's been asked doctor it cou it 's a question of costs , er normally where er matters erm are dealt with in chambers for in counsel appear then erm these counsel do n't get paid for the other side erm unless there is certificate for counsel as I understand it , were the , were the counsel appeared before the Judge erm they are entitled to their costs and this is er an appeal to the Judge , but er what I think Mr is saying is , in case he happens to be wrong in that he would like an order that er his fees should be proper fees of the defen of the plaintiffs on this appeal and er such as you could say seems to me that er , that is a , that would be proper
15 Since Ebrahimi was decided , s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 has added to the minority shareholder 's armoury a claim of ‘ unfair prejudice ’ , but only in so far as the conduct ( actual or threatened ) that he complains of is prejudicial to him in his capacity as a member .
16 Er , er I would say Spock because Spock er is the second in command and he tends to be critical of Jim , I mean he gives Jim good advice .
17 ( 87 ) He appears to be unaware of after-image phenomena and , so far as I can make out , puts forward an explanation , instead , which says that movement can be perceived when no object is seen to move !
18 The only thing he seems to be good at is denigrating Labour , the party that brought him political prominence .
19 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
20 I 've thought of asking Bryan if we could change to that , but he seems to be happy with the sound .
21 Unfortunately if anything happens to the mother he seems to be incapable of passing the food on to his offspring . ( )
22 As far as the building itself is concerned , Hulten has not been able to exert much influence on a project conceived some seven years ago , but he professes to be satisfied with the structure , describing it as ‘ generous ’ .
23 Though he bends to be blent in the prayer , how loud and above what
24 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
25 When , in the last play of the Henry VI trilogy , the future Richard III is presenting to the audience his capabilities — as if auditioning for the role of hypocrite — he exults at being able to By grouping all those exempla of deceit Shakespeare makes us unconscious of the initial role-playing of the actor involved , alerting us to the deceptions he is about to foist on others .
26 He was obviously drunk or drugged when he wrote it , but it indicates that he expects to be dead by the time i read it .
27 Indeed , the professor 's rationale may be that he wishes to be involved in two completely different activities .
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