Example sentences of "he [was/were] on [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He were on the shed roof ?
2 He was on every party guest-list .
3 But he was on a weekend break visiting relatives in the town when he sniffed the gas .
4 Carl 's parents Lorraine and David , of nearby Hateley Heath , were at his bedside in Sandwell District General Hospital , where he was on a life support machine .
5 He was on a life support machine at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital , Sheffield , yesterday .
6 There was a catch in his voice ; he was on a knife edge and for a moment Melissa feared he would break down .
7 My mum dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and said , ‘ Arnold Bottomley had a seizure when he was on a canal boat and it took four of us to hold him , although he had been so easy-going on other trips , especially the Greek one that I did n't go on .
8 18 months ago he was on a family day out when his father 's car hit a lorry .
9 is , he was on a Christmas bash last night , he did , he has told me he 'd be late , he 'll be here oh about ten o'clock- ish .
10 He was on a business trip to California .
11 This was worrying , for it could mean that he was on a collision course with the Regent , who was raising the Bothwell and Airdrie areas .
12 He 'd sent a photograph in and he was sitting in the garden and right and he was on a garden chair and he had his nice hair washed and shiny .
13 The necessary papers were provided for him , the travelling arranged , and by noon he was on an Aeroflot plane to Geneva .
14 R.W. Davidson , a 14-year old boy employed at Lee 's works had a particularly horrifying death , he was on the night shift and during a meal break was skylarking with a friend when he fell into a pile of dust which quickly enveloped and suffocated him .
15 At night a light had to be on all the time and Blake 's prison clothes had to be placed outside his cell while , during the day , the clothes he wore had distinctive patches of coloured cloth on them to show that he was on the escape list .
16 He knew he was on the home straight .
17 And while he was on the film set or wherever he was you know , away from home for the week , he 'd be playing around with every bit of skirt he could find .
18 He was on the airport tarmac waiting for me , his Mercedes sports drawn up to the foot of the mobile steps .
19 AT 9 PM he was on the operating table .
20 Yeah , his his number 's on the dice happen to leave him so he was on the race track , so it 's up to him now .
21 He was on the Sûreté list and was arrested in November 1930 and sentenced to 12 years penal servitude in September 1931 .
22 He was on the banking side . ’
23 We know , for instance , that he was president of the commission for the building of the great statue of Athena by Phidias , and of that fur the Lyceum ( Philuchoros F 121 and 37 ) , that he was on the Parthenon commission ( Strabo 395 ) , and that he was responsible in an elected capacity for the Odeum ( Plut .
24 I 'd have said if he 'd been dead but Kevin 's mum said he was on the danger list . "
25 He was on the south-east side of the ridge ; Miller 's End and the other car park , which Lorton had used , lay to the north-west .
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