Example sentences of "he [was/were] not going to be " in BNC.

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1 He knew that he was not going to be happy if he were deprived of the chance to study .
2 If so , it would only have increased his feeling of vulnerability and awkwardness for , until he had come to recognize that he was not going to be the greatest poet of the age after Yeats , Lewis was always hostile to poets .
3 The idea had taken firm root in his brain and Carew knew that he was not going to be easily discouraged .
4 Grateful though he was — and there are few examples of anyone more grateful and generous than he was to those who had in any way helped him or even just been around in the bad times — he was not going to be craven or knuckle down like a goody-two-shoes .
5 It was early in the season yet , and he probably had long periods of inactivity to fill up between visitors ; but he was not going to be left at leisure for long this time , for in the gravelled car park outside the enclosure a large bus was just disgorging a load of loud and active schoolboys , shepherded by a frantic youth hardly older than the eldest of his charges .
6 The knowledge that he was not going to be charged with Angy 's murder had aroused profound relief but not elation ; his invitation for this evening had brought pleasure but no excitement .
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