Example sentences of "he [was/were] [v-ing] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 His head had an odd tilt or cock to it , set on the shoulders as if he were looking up from the bars of a drop-handled bike .
2 Sitting safe in the big tree , hidden within the protective myriad of bough , branch and leaf , he was submerged in a greenish half-light filtered through layer upon layer of natural growth , and he was looking out from the dimming or dappling shelter of his high cave into the dazzle of a rare summer brightness beyond .
3 Ashton had shouted something which sounded like that , when he was running away from the depot .
4 The question is whether he is in addition permitted to say that , although he was aware that he was causing difficulties , he was doing so from the best of intentions .
5 He was walking home from the pub through Swindon town centre when two police officers approached him .
6 He was peering down from the leaning tower of Pisa like Galileo testing his theory of gravity .
7 I know that father he used to you see if he was going away from the island
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