Example sentences of "he [was/were] [v-ing] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 He took a briefcase with him , as if he were going back to the Works .
2 His face was a mask of alarm and he was looking back to the office door and the cabinet which was pushed up against it .
3 Fortescue dropped the manuscript he was reading on to the table .
4 He was holding on to the hand of one of the passengers who was bleeding rather badly .
5 Mr Hyslop had had little idea how badly he was injured until he was heading back to the station in the van .
6 She intercepted Dieter just as he was emerging on to the terrace .
7 Once , on a day of snow and melting slush , he was walking back to the Marylebone Road when the Asshe carriage passed by , with Johnny at the reins .
8 He was dancing up to the youngest dog again , sideways this time , head on one side , goading him .
9 Now he 'd told me he was going up to the Cathedral .
10 She never fussed when he said that he was going down to the country and did n't know when he 'd be back .
11 He was going back to the Cluanie Inn .
12 Aggie got the mousetraps , and the only thing they caught was her Harold 's big toe one night when he was hurrying down to the lavatory in the backyard .
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