Example sentences of "he [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 He was coldly determined to be a good lover .
2 He was universally considered to be no good , lazy and a bad manager .
3 He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six .
4 He was already determined to be a poet — between 1787 and 1789 he had composed An Evening Walk — and part of the aim of his 1790 long vacation walking-tour was to gather the material which was to form the basis of Descriptive Sketches .
5 But instead of working on Varsity , the established undergraduate paper , he was already determined to be different .
6 The Portsmouth Court case was halted while he was taken to hospital where he was later said to be ‘ comfortable . ’
7 He was later found to be more than twice the legal drink-drive limit .
8 The Chief Constable had decided to dispense with his services because of a report made on the probationer constable which led the Chief Constable to believe that he was not fitted to be a member of the police force .
9 They both understood that this was a formality and that he was not thought to be ‘ ill ’ .
10 He was widely believed to be preparing to run for the post of President of the Republic , a post which would entail his departure from the trade union leadership .
11 But last year , when the team announced a sponsorship deal with TSB , he was widely reported to be 42 .
12 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
13 He was reliably reported to be badly out of sorts for the rest of the evening .
14 He was also said to be unpopular with some members of the profession , although he was elected president of the London Veterinary Medical Society .
15 He was also said to be personally responsible for the omission of the Jamaican , Jeffrey Dujon , from the World Cup squad .
16 It was n't enough for him to have to learn a series of speeches that no one else was expected to begin to comprehend , but he was also deputed to be Dame Edith 's guardian angel .
17 He was also reputed to be the most handsome man in the county , and had come to marry an equally beautiful and wealthy widow , Sylvestre , the daughter of Robert Dean and widow of William Dalison .
18 On June 21 he returned his campaign to policy specifics , an area where he was generally perceived to be stronger than his rival candidates , with a detailed reformulation of his economic proposals .
19 Although his yearly stipend only amounted to £6.00 or so in today 's values , he was soon witnessed to be spending the equivalent of thousands of pounds on various good works for his village .
20 The period between the end of the twelfth century and the middle of the thirteenth saw several crucial innovations in weaponry and armour which helped make the medieval knight what he was always intended to be : a superb fighting machine .
21 Either the Führer 's statement , the report went on , meant that he had allowed himself to be badly deceived and was not , therefore , the genius he was always alleged to be ; or he had intentionally lied to the people about rising war production , knowing all the time that saboteurs were at work .
22 He was apparently found to be running a temperature , but after a long season of competing in the best company , he may be past his best .
23 Mr Heseltine , its chief architect , was one of the first to dump it , especially when he fought the proposal of Consortium Development to build a town whose name was as instant an invention as its community would have been : Stone Bassett , like Consortium 's Tillingham Hall before it , was turned down by Mr Ridley , who was not the permissive planning minister he was often thought to be .
24 However , his presence at the Treasury keeps the Thatcherite torch alive : he was once tipped to be the next leader but two ; now he could the next leader but one .
25 I played him by the light of the moon until he was sufficiently exhausted to be manoeuvred into a bucket on the end of a stout rope .
26 Mr Saggers , of Alpha Street West , Seedley , Greater Manchester , was taken by ambulance to Salford 's Hope Hospital , where he was yesterday said to be ‘ comfortable ’ .
27 When he led the England A side in Pakistan , early last year , he was still thought to be a limited captain , possibly through limited self-belief .
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