Example sentences of "he [vb past] her [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He led her upstairs to Rose 's room .
2 He beat her easily at chess the following week , but when he came again she had been thinking and remembering .
3 She settled in Crocker Street and he visited her regularly during rehearsals of the Winter Gardens shows .
4 A young woman who was dressing the female dummies in the lingerie department window Steven was looking at frowned at him and gave him a suspicious , disapproving look which he noticed her just in time to see .
5 Though he could n't see her , the darkness was a black canvas , and he painted her there to perfection , her beauty gazing down on him .
6 He rang her just before lunch and recommended us for their pets .
7 ‘ We must assume he took her completely by surprise . ’
8 ‘ Fact of the matter is , ’ her father told Artemis when he took her aside before lunch on Boxing Day , ‘ you 're to have a new mother .
9 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
10 He knew her only as Morozova .
11 He carried her easily to Uncle Philip 's armed chair and settled her down , drawing the electric fire near to her on its cord .
12 I do not think he married her particularly for love , but for the sake of his daughters , as people did in those days ; and it might have seemed that she was ideally suited for this , with her quiet , dignified manner , and she having been a housekeeper .
13 He smiled to soften the order , but there was no mistaking the glint of determination in his dark eyes as he held her firmly in front of him .
14 He held her away to arm 's length , his kindly brown eyes sweeping her face as though searching for clues .
15 But he was smiling broadly as he held her away to arm 's length .
16 Jake gazed across the dim dunes again , still gripping her in his arm : and it felt now as if he held her just for comfort — his own , perhaps , as much as hers .
17 She threatened him with a knife … he pushed her away in self defence and the knife plunged into her back .
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