Example sentences of "he [vb past] it and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He stole a chicken from work , and I watched as he stuffed it and sewed it up with needle and thread in his girlfriend 's flat , frowning with ponderous alcoholic severity .
2 He glanced in the mirror as he passed it and straightened his glasses .
3 When David proudly took the letter to him , he scanned it and threw it aside .
4 Sickness rose in Nuadu , but he fought it and forced himself to watch .
5 He found it and packed it among orange and strawberry lollies so it could be taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital to be sewed back on in a four-hour operation .
6 He found it and rang it , giving exactly the same sort of excuse as Eleanor 's .
7 But he did much more than write : he drew it and painted it .
8 He caught it and pulled himself up .
9 He believed that his body was a good guide to his character and he punished it and indulged it by turns .
10 With care he lifted it and took it to the mouth of the chamber .
11 He undid it and drew it off .
12 He dropped it and pushed it away with his foot .
13 He turned it and set it down again .
14 He trapped it and showed his hand : now there were four .
15 He withdrew it and threw it on the ground .
16 tortoise thing with a lid on then he opened it and filled it with
17 He opened it and plunged his hand in .
18 He already had my passport in front of him , and he opened it and asked me my name , age , parents ’ names and a lot of other routine questions .
19 Smith was a slow reader and took about an hour to read and ponder the document , after which he approved it and asked me to take it to Harold Wilson .
20 So , repression , it 's not that Freud dropped the concept of repression but that he elaborated it and made it much more sophisticated , and the mechanisms of defence are the means , you could say they 're the means by which er repression erm comes about .
21 Instead of shaking it , however , he grabbed it and pulled her out into the street .
22 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
23 He felt it and meant it .
24 When he heard her last remark he understood it and knew he had to get rid of her quickly .
25 When they reached the next chamber he extinguished it and exchanged it for the torch .
26 He unfolded it and handed it to George .
27 He wrote it and handed it to me for this newsletter and I ran out of space .
28 He stole it and hid it somewhere .
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