Example sentences of "he [vb past] in [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He lived in Yorkshire before his death in 1966 .
2 But it brought to mind Mrs Thatcher 's description of ex-Chancellor Nigel Lawson as ‘ unassailable ’ — shortly before he quit in protest at her opposition to Europe 's Exchange Rate Mechanism .
3 He agreed in part with its author , disputed the theories of many others and expanded at length on his own theory concerning the fertilisation of the date palm .
4 When that was rejected he argued in favour of his old plan of travelling on foot by the secret paths ; there were so many footpaths they could not all be watched and there was a chance that if they came upon outlaws there would be no more than one or two .
5 In particular he asked in advance of his visit to see Brig Verney of 1st Guards Brigade and two of his battalion commanders , including Col Rose-Price of 3rd Welsh Guards .
6 He had massive difficulties to overcome , concerned with funding , the medical profession , and not least the rough reception he got in wartime in what , in a letter written two weeks before he died , he called the ‘ human desert in the North of Scotland ’ .
7 Somehow it found its way into the hands of a government minister , and he got in touch with us . ’
8 He kneeled in prayer between her thighs , his face cruel as an angel 's .
9 He stopped in front of her and wrenched her hands away from her chest .
10 He stopped in front of her , and nodded , in salute.Then , addressing her formally as if she were a grown woman , he asked to accompany her .
11 He stopped in front of her and looked down at her from what appeared just then to be a very great height .
12 Then he stopped in front of me and put his face very close to mine .
13 He stopped in front of it , tugging at the camouflage netting .
14 Abruptly , he knelt in front of her , pulling her forward into his arms again , his mouth falling to plunder the swollen redness of the lips she offered so helplessly .
15 Still he knelt in front of her , and Maria sat forward , lifting a hand and laying it open-palmed against the side of his face for a moment before tracing the angle of his cheek with gentle fingers .
16 The school , which has taken part in the festival since 1968 , was conducted by Mr Kinnock when he visited in March on his party 's election trail .
17 He roared in French at my three assailants , brandishing a huge club .
18 The notion took hold in Vicente at an early age and got serious reinforcement when he arrived in America from his native Spain ( by way of Paris ) and began to form lasting relationships with many other , then unknown , artists of the New York avant-garde .
19 He arrived in France with his battalion on 30 May 1915 , having told his mother , ‘ I do wish people would not deceive themselves by talk of a just war .
20 As a solitary horseman went by , he stepped in front of her , partially shielding her from view , then grasped her arm and propelled her swiftly across the drawbridge and into the castle in total silence .
21 Now he stepped in front of me .
22 Yeltsin presented Gorbachev with a fait accompli at the RSFSR Supreme Soviet , when on Aug. 23 he signed in front of him a decree suspending the activity of the Russian Communist Party ( RCP ) , " pending the investigation by juridical bodies of its involvement in all these events " .
23 The wind and the dust were what Crossman wanted to know about ; and he went in search of them and found them , in Coventry , in the Commons and in the Cabinet .
24 Mr Taylor bade them be seated while he went in search of his daughter .
25 And at the moment he helped her into his car , he fell in love with her .
26 ‘ Sir Henry hurt nobody except himself when he fell in love with her .
27 ‘ When my father , six months before his death , saw the car for the first time at the Paris show — where he decided to go even though his health was not good — he fell in love with it immediately .
28 He fell in love with it , and followed to where it pointed : the rest of the P-Funk clan , ska , reggae , Sugarhill rap , the Ohio Players , Earth Wind & Fire , ‘ gospel disco ’ , Sly & The Family Stone …
29 Instead he fell in love with my mother .
30 He died in semi-obscurity at his London residence in Hart Street , Bloomsbury Square , in February 1819 .
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