Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He got in trouble last week and he 's in prison .
2 He described with horror this fish 's ability to paralyse anyone who came near it .
3 As to the latter he dismissed from consideration certain authorities relating to the admissibility in evidence of information obtained under powers similar to those which he had to consider , on the ground that the matters before him concerned , not the admissibility of replies to questions , but the right of the authorities to demand answers .
4 For Richard this was the year when he came to man 5 estate , for it was about this time that Louis VII knighted him .
5 Soon he came to value this practice very much .
6 When he arrived at work that morning the result of their labours was waiting for him in a blue folder .
7 He arrived after supper that evening , having spent the previous night , it transpired , at Sigouri .
8 Emergency services rescued him , but he escaped from hospital two days later .
9 He finished with career best figures of six for 122 and after the match received his county cap from skipper Dermot Reeve .
10 He finished with career best figures of six for 122 and after the match received his county cap from skipper Dermot Reeve .
11 Murray Kidd ( from Auckland ) remains for another season with Garryowen , the All Ireland champions whom he steered to victory last season .
12 When he went to work that evening Tod left the letters by the front step , encased in a white shoebox on which someone — presumably Irene — had scrawled the words The Hell With You .
13 Mandy was telling us , you know , about one of her friends she erm her husband was very high up in a company and he went to work one day and they called him in the office and says right , you ai n't got a job !
14 Bath , shave , teeth , relief , groans , another coffee , Henry 's dinner money , where 's Alice ( was she home when he went to sleep last night ? ) , mail , radio news , feed the cats , wash , dress , briefcase , wake up ! wake up !
15 He 'd been married about two months when he went to bed one night and woke up the next morning and he was back in the field and 17 again .
16 Yeah , he went for nose other day ,
17 he went on holiday last year .
18 There were fears that the Liverpool boss might have to quit the game when he went into hospital last April for triple heart by-pass surgery .
19 Deacon accumulated a fortune of over £100,000 , but his health was weakened by overwork and he died of typhoid 23 July 1876 in Widnes .
20 After the war , his health failing , he retired to St Jean de Luz , in France , where he died of pneumonia 22 March 1921 .
21 He died at home 18 January 1953 .
22 He died in hospital several days later of multiple injuries , including a ruptured liver , six fractured ribs , two broken fingers and severe bruising to 70 per cent of his body .
23 He died from pneumonia 29 May 1941 in his rooms at Claridge 's .
24 He lay in bed all afternoon with the light of the summer sky travelling up the walls and slowly across the ceiling .
25 The Italian showman ( left ) will be roared on this weekend by a huge home crowd in the northern Italian resort as he launches his defence of the giant slalom and slalom titles he won with ease last year .
26 A round , plump , jolly , brown face that he remembered from back last summer , when all this business started .
27 If he loses a vote of no-confidence in parliament , he could yet try to force such an election , appealing over parliament 's head to the voters — as he did on television this week .
28 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
29 She kept a secret diary which revealed that he spoke on average 3.5 words a day , she told a divorce judge .
30 He also admits in his talk that when designing his John Line wallpapers , only two of which ( ‘ Troy ’ and ‘ Tuscany ’ ) were used , he had in mind small rooms , possibly in an eighteenth-century house and which have ‘ the simplicity and dignity enough to suit the classical atmosphere of the design ’ .
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