Example sentences of "he [vb past] [det] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made all sorts of innovations during his short stay — only about a year — before moving on to King 's College , Cambridge , and starting the now famous service of nine lessons and carols at Christmas .
2 I 've gone clean off him — ever since he made that pact with Stalin and the ghastly Russians . ’
3 He made little attempt at conversation and showed no surprise that he should be asked to drive to Boulogne in the middle of the afternoon to pick up a well-dressed but grubby Englishman .
4 He made this reconnaissance with Captain Roger Courtney , of the SBS , who had been in the Mediterranean for some months after training around Arran in Scotland .
5 Dr Joe Hendron said the parties should return to the talks table without delay — and he made this point to Stormont Minister Sir John Wheeler yesterday .
6 As secretary to Captain ‘ Jack ’ Macnamara , a Conservative MP and member of the Anglo-German Fellowship , from 1935 to 1936 , he made several visits to Germany .
7 He made several instruments for James I and Charles I , and clearly occupied a position equivalent to the later instrument-makers to the king .
8 In 1963 he made few changes to Adenauer 's cabinet and emphasised the element of continuity in government , though his personal style was very different to that of ‘ the old man ’ .
9 Otherwise he made few changes in personnel .
10 He made some kind of deal with Erica Brausen a sort of transfer fee : it was like being a football player .
11 He made some measure of pass at me .
12 When Lou 's dead , the law will work it out he made some deal with Rico and the Battler to unload the girl .
13 Last Saturday he made another debut for Grove Steels in the Vaux Bluebell Over 40s League .
14 Lancaster meanwhile was encamped near Bedford , and seeing his support ebb away he made another offer of submission .
15 If Coel or Coilus was the original of Old King Cole , he lived many centuries before smoking was practised in Britain and before fiddles had been conceived .
16 He expended more energy on others , aware that his flair for living , combined with his money , enabled him to give others a good time .
17 He chucked this bit of glass , it cut him so we ran over here .
18 When the Berlin Philharmonic visited New York in 1982 , he registered some doubts about aspects of the music-making , about an absence of cut and thrust in the articulation of some of Brahms 's cross-rhythms , but went on :
19 He passed this beam through holes in a rotating wheel , or oscillating miniature venetian blind , to chop it up or ‘ modulate ’ it .
20 He produced another sheet of paper on which he had typed some notes .
21 The door opened and the Adjutant entered with a large file out of which he produced several sheets of foolscap .
22 He produced this piece of information with a certain dim self-satisfaction , as if it were a sort of moral American Express card .
23 The local ice-cream shop is run by a Norwich man who informed all who would listen that he sold more types of ice-cream than Sainsbury 's .
24 Anyway , this mate of his and his wife — things went from bad to worse , seems he met this woman from Dundee who travelled down regular on the same train and one day he just Got Off with her and the upshot of the whole thing was a Dear-Jeannette-Letter from Sullom Voe .
25 He argued that nomination of Dora Maria Téllez for the current DN had not been accepted because a " traditional " directorate was needed " during this period of transition " .
26 He avoided those parts of Paris where revellers had gathered to celebrate the New Year out of doors with drink and dancing .
27 Perhaps he expected some protest from Constanza , a declaration , perhaps he hoped for it .
28 He recommended some training for hotel staff to be a bit more professional in their attitude .
29 He announced that growth in GDP during 1989 had totalled 4.6 per cent , a figure higher than many had predicted .
30 He announced more investment in rail links from the Channel Tunnel through Kent , a new one point five billion pound east-west train link across London .
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