Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He winked good-naturedly over the rim of his glass .
2 Samuel , who had sharply critical judgment , thought that he presided well over the Cabinet in the first year of the Government , prepared himself carefully for its meetings and prevented ‘ knots or tangles … from being drawn tight ’ .
3 ‘ I have taken to colour like a new lover , ’ he pronounced unconvincingly over a cappuccino in the sparse urban palazzo that doubles as his office and town house .
4 Martin Gilfellan had taken the car just a few minutes before the accident and was being followed by the police when he drove straight over a junction .
5 The playback can he displayed either over the viewfinder so you can check your recordings as you go or by being connected to an external television screen or monitor .
6 He walked all over the city , looking for windswept gateways and corridors with notice-boards in them .
7 He waited until the guard was opposite him then he stepped deliberately over the warning rail and climbed slowly up the wire .
8 He bowed forward over the table .
9 But it was Lieutenant Harvey who was still leading the charge as he hurdled elegantly over the wire and into no-man's-land .
10 He went all over the place looking , but he could n't get hold of it I mean it was obviously it was something that he made himself but it was beautiful !
11 oh he went all over the place with that
12 He looked thoughtfully over the table .
13 He leaned forward over the steering wheel to see his way through a deep pot-hole in the road .
14 In his retirement he travelled all over the world , visiting San Francisco , Egypt , Japan , Cochin , and the Hanoi exhibition , witnessing the crash of the Orient Express at Tirnova in Bulgaria in 1894 .
15 The captain saw the corners of Joseph 's mouth tighten momentarily , then the American boy 's eyes widened and he pointed excitedly over the starboard rail .
16 Joseph 's expression remained dubious for a moments then his face lit up again and he pointed westward over the captain 's shoulder .
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