Example sentences of "he [vb past] [pers pn] did not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 He returned with a symphonic battle piece , and when I asked if he realized the significance of the words he admitted he did not know what they meant ! )
2 He found he did not mind .
3 When he was reviled , he did not revile in return ; When he suffered he did not threaten But trusted to him who judges justly .
4 She lay in her room and waited for him , and when he came I did not listen , but when he left I heard .
5 He believed she did not love him because he was like his father but he could not blame her for this because he knew he was unlovable .
6 This time no expression came over their faces and he knew they did not have much time to live .
7 He felt it a boring thing he had to do as he would probably rather do something else but nevertheless it had to be done , not to save his reputation but restore his self-respect which he felt he did not have fully if someone was allowed to insult him and get away with it .
8 He found himself struggling on his back with the stifling presence of the flag wrapped round him like a shroud ; the strange thing was that as he weakly continued to struggle ( for the staff lay across his legs , pinning him down , and the lanyards had somehow trussed his elbows to his sides ) , he recognized the sensation immediately : this was a nightmare he had had on the night they had taken refuge in the Residency , and repeatedly since then throughout the siege ; when the Collector , cursing , had at last fought his way out of the flag , it was such a relief to escape from his nightmare that he felt he did not mind so much about the sepoys .
9 He said they did not get near enough to the 92-year-old Queen Mother 's third-floor room to pose a security risk .
10 He said he did not rule out the involvement of foreign agencies but cautioned : ‘ It is too early to pinpoint a particular agency or country . ’
11 He said he did not want to involve British troops and planes in action , but admitted for the first time that it was a possibility .
12 He said he did not pretend that a coalition with the Tories or Labour would not produce ‘ difficulties and tensions ’ in his party .
13 He said he did not think it was human .
14 When he said he did not know the date of Adam 's return , Lewis Verne-Smith had not lied to the police .
15 When asked how he felt about working with Roisin Hart , the nurse who reported him , he said he did not foresee any problems .
16 The Home Secretary stressed last night that the Government had not yet decided whether to bring forward legislation , but he said he did not believe the Hetherington report could just be interred .
17 But yesterday he said he did not have the power to pass the sentence .
18 He said he did not have the time .
19 He said he did not doubt it .
20 At two o'clock in the morning the doctor gave him a sedative and he went into a deep sleep , but when he awoke he did not speak to anyone , and the police found great difficulty in questioning him too .
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