Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Above : A Jaffna schoolboy shows a drawing he made of helicopters strafing his home town .
2 He recovered in time to lead his side in the World Cup .
3 Most of the criticism has been pretty tame , though one dissident , Colonel Bui Tinh , a revolutionary hero , waited until he got to Paris to say he believed the draft documents were ‘ totally out of contact with reality ’ .
4 As an alternative , he tried on occasions to tax them in assemblies which were not parliaments nor yet independent clerical gatherings , but he alarmed the clergy either by the writs which he used then or by the presence of his lay councillors at the meetings .
5 As he looked at her , slumped awkwardly in sleep , he tried without success to put his finger on that indefinable something which made this girl so totally English .
6 At the age of fifteen he moved to Copenhagen to complete his practical engineering experience , and two years later graduated as a mechanical engineer at the Copenhagen Technical College .
7 He shouted to Whitlock to drop his weapon .
8 He appealed to Miloš to join him , but Miloš judged that the time was inopportune and promptly told the Turkish governor in Belgrade of the plot .
9 Shostakovich summed up his colleague 's fatal misconception : ‘ He came to Moscow to teach them and they started teaching him . ’
10 He gestured for Ballater to follow him into the living-room and indicated the chair by the empty fireplace .
11 ( This is the source of ) the two new , suspect ( and barely compatible ) ingredients that he added in order to give his drama any life at all : hot emotional outbursts and cold thoughts and paradoxes — poor substitutes for{ 9 Dionysiac ecstasy and Apolline ( lucidity and precision ) .
12 Phat was Duclos ' particular favourite among the cai because the ruthless sadism with which he disciplined his fellow coolies was matched by the utter servility he showed to Duclos to ensure he retained both his approval and the necessary stamp of his authority .
13 On that day the invitation was sent to William of Orange , James 's nephew and son-in-law , in response to which he landed in England to restore its liberties .
14 Although the recruiter had obviously bathed , he still exuded the faint mustiness of the habitual opium smoker as he pressed past Duclos to take his place at the breakfast table .
15 He returned to England to gain his doctorate from London University , and from 1923 to 1935 he was Associate Professor of Engineering at the University of British Columbia .
16 Following a visit to London and Paris in 1849 he returned to Aberdeen to establish himself as a portrait miniaturist .
17 In 1856 he returned to Liverpool to join his father 's rapidly expanding chemical company , largely concerned with the manufacture of soda by the Leblanc process .
18 Following his resignation he returned to Scotland to develop his own consultancy business .
19 But he returned to Grenada to throw his lot in with the mostly light-skinned urban middle class to which he only half belonged .
20 He returned to Madeira to marry her in the English Church in 1874 .
21 At about this time he returned to Courthill to assist his father , and so he was able to use all the resources of the smithy to make the kind of machine that was in his mind .
22 By the Spirit he went in to the wilderness , by the Spirit he was led there , and in the power of the Spirit he returned to Galilee to begin his ministry ( Luke 4:1,14 ) .
23 ANOTHER former employee of Mrs Winnie Mandela has said he lied in court to save her from implication in the murder of Stompie Moeketsi .
24 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
25 He arranged for Len to have them at the camp . ’
26 To this end he called on Congress to approve his tax changes — particularly the increased personal exemption of $500 per child per year — in order to help families .
27 He called on people to bring their cycles to the police station for post coding , available free of charge .
28 He chatted to Louise did he ?
29 His energetic intelligence was evident in the servants whom he employed , in the policies which he countenanced or sponsored , and in the skill which he displayed and the pains which he took in order to get his own way .
30 He sent for Eleanor to join him in Normandy and when she arrived , a message went to Richard , requiring him to surrender Aquitaine to his mother , the lawful duchess .
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