Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Now once he 'd stepped forward on to the on to the shore what happened ?
2 I opened the door for Patterson and then locked the cab up after he 'd stepped gingerly on to the pavement .
3 Then , when the war ended in the summer of 1945 , after being demobbed from Germany , he 'd gone straight back to the US , with no possible hope of any real communication between them except for one or two impermanent and unreliable addresses .
4 And I think he meant , and I say this quite fair now , I think he meant to come straight up to me and brake suddenly to frighten me .
5 By 9 January 1177 he had besieged Dax , which had been held against him by the Viscount of Dax and Bigorre , and taken it ; he had besieged Bayonne , which the Viscount of Bayonne had held against him , and taken it ; he had marched right up to " the Gate of Spain " at Cize and there he had captured and demolished the castle of St Pierre .
6 He had stepped right up to her desk .
7 Emboldened by this , he had gone straight up to her and said that he had heard she had called him and wanted him .
8 Once the hunting season was over he had gone straight off to Ireland to fish , and then , on the outbreak of war , had promptly rejoined his regiment , and as their colonel-in-chief had made several sorties to France during the next three years .
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