Example sentences of "on [det] [noun sg] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On each call a new set of window registers is allocated .
2 On each occasion a common sense category tied to urban renewal often hides a set of social processes which does little for those whose poverty provided the central rationale for urban policy in the first place .
3 As Nationalist China became stronger under Chiang Kai-shek in the years after 1931 there were frequent clashes between Japanese and Chinese troops in mainland China ; but on each occasion a local settlement was reached and the incidents did not escalate .
4 On each side a wide staircase led up in six zigzag sections , breaking off abruptly on an open landing about twenty metres above the ground .
5 In addition there is on each side a characteristic sclerite ( 6 ) the gonangulum which is derived from the anterior part of the coxite of the 9th abdominal segment and articulates primitively with this coxite , the 9th abdominal tergum and the gonapophysis of the 8th segment .
6 On each page a clear diagram of the point of section , a colour photograph with reasonably ‘ normal ’ colouring and clear , convenient labelling enables one to locate and follow anatomical features .
7 The second one shows it in the condition in which her parents found it when they went in there on that morning a few days ago ’ ( p. 156–7 ) .
8 Madam Deputy Speaker : As the hon. Gentleman knows , the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) raised a point of order on that matter a few moments ago — but as the hon. Member for Falkirk , East represents the constituency concerned , it is understandable that he wants to raise it again , and in a most helpful manner .
9 Later , when I consulted on another matter a British doctor who has been in Kampala some thirty years , he stated that he ‘ never advises patients to take mefloquine .
10 We 've been out on this balcony a long time , and no one has come to interrupt us .
11 I want to dwell on this subject a little while , to look at a few areas which are important and necessary and have their foundations in team spirit .
12 It is a great joy to report that on this doctrine a growing convergence is coming about between Catholics and Protestants as we have begun the demanding task of doing theology together .
13 If the Situationist project is flawed , as I believe it is , it is not because antecedent theories of libertarians , Marxists and Council Communists are ignored by them , but rather because they lacked the will to build on this tradition a systematic utopianism consisting of critique and plausible projections into the future .
14 Programmes likely to produce such action ought , rather , to be spotted within the BBC in advance and either adjusted suitably or else supported by the Governors in such a way that the politicians would be quietly told , in effect , that if they wished to object they risked on this occasion a larger row than they might want .
15 I 'll sit on this seat a little minute while you tell me what you can see .
16 I had three questions on this point a few minutes ago .
17 Without any ends at all for which to survive life would be , in the strict sense of the words , not worth living , and on this boat a few decencies preserved without regard for consequences would be the last ends left which he values for themselves .
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