Example sentences of "on [det] [noun sg] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Stepping down at the end , he lay on the bed of nails and rolled across it to the foot of the ladder , which he climbed , pausing on each blade to detach a yellow paper prayer flag and send it fluttering to the ground .
2 On the third day tenant reps on each team gave a full presentation of their team 's proposed solution .
3 The Queen , who will be accompanied by other members of the Royal Family , will on that day present a new colour to the RAF .
4 It would work , I explained to him — and it is a demonstration of how something that is essentially simple can on that account have a firmer structure than a more complicated mechanism — by dint of borrowing from the banks a sufficient sum of money for the initial purchase .
5 Jim McLellan profiles film star Julia Roberts under the uncompromising headline ‘ Pretty Vacant ’ and on another page conducts a scathing dissection of instructional sex videos .
6 To say that Josephine Butler and Millicent Fawcett were ‘ diametrically opposed ’ on this issue shows a worrying ignorance of 19th-century British history .
7 In contrast to the Woodchester mosaic , that from Barton Farm has only two circular bands ( which on this occasion enclose a central roundel ) .
8 On this basis to achieve a significant result at the 5% value with a power of 90% 400 patients would be required .
9 It was further claimed that the wage determination mechanism conducted on this basis gave a strong impetus to inflation .
10 The clean sounds on this Laney have a very ‘ DI 'd ’ nature to them , though the crunch control offers some dirtier , but very useful rhythm sounds .
11 Though it is rare to find consensus among footballers and the media , few on either side had a good , or even printable , word for Toshack in Wales while he was marching Swansea to the top of the hill and down again .
12 The day proved to be a pleasant one and Corbett , with Ranulf in tow , humming some filthy ditty , enjoyed the quiet ride down the winding country lane , the trees on either side forming a green canopy above their heads .
13 The road was bendy and twisty with large shady trees on either side forming a beautiful avenue .
14 The road was bendy and twisty with large shady trees on either side forming a beautiful avenue .
15 It will settle and drape itself on either side forming a natural , water-shedding thatch .
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