Example sentences of "on [noun prp] [unc] [noun] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Christina noticed the triumphant look on Victoria 's face as he stepped back .
2 The first specks of light rain fell on Trent 's face as he looked up to see the motor yacht 's captain studying him from over the brilliantly-varnished taffrail .
3 I mused on Toby 's story as I walked towards the clubhouse and so intent was I on my thoughts that I nearly knocked over Sally Drayton as I passed the PGA hut .
4 She could see the look of astonishment on Simon 's face as he made the connections she wanted him to make .
5 After they had quarrelled , Gina lurked at a bend of the stairs and trod hard on Nigel 's foot as he came up .
6 Now the expression on Karen 's face as she lay beneath me , knees pulled up to her chin to facilitate maximum penetration , was of a recent convert taking communion .
7 The smile froze on Loretta 's face as she caught sight of his expression : his eyes were wide and staring , like those of a cornered animal .
8 The camera focuses on Lancaster 's eyes as he takes in this tableau of hyperactive sleaze .
9 ‘ All right , then , ’ said his Dad , putting his hand on Philip 's shoulder as he got up from the table .
10 ‘ But they always end up the same — I see that terrible expression on Len 's face as he fell — then I hear the thud as he hits the floor — then I wake up in a cold sweat .
11 ‘ She did n't strike me as awfully thrilled with things , ’ he said , staring into the fire , remembering the look on Cindy 's face as she recognized him .
12 There was a grim smile on Duvall 's face as he advanced .
13 Ace fancied she could see the look of anguish on Daak 's face as he relinquished his grip on his chainsword and grabbed the girder with his right hand .
14 But the sparkler failed to put a smile on Anne 's face as she attended a meeting to discuss the construction of horses ' saddles yesterday .
15 Nevertheless , there is no shortage of energy in passes such as ‘ cum gladiis et frustibus exierunt ’ ( ‘ They went out with swords and clubs ’ ) in the former , and Christophers prefer to concentrate on Peter 's fear as he watches Christ being led away from afar , rather than anger at his betrayal in the latter .
16 TV replays showed that Saunders went in with his foot raised and came down on Elliott 's leg as they both steamed into a full-blooded 50-50 clash .
17 But before he could banish the memory of the expression on Marjorie 's face as she stood in the thinly sunlit kitchen , one thought slid through to settle painfully into his consciousness .
18 From the wide grin on Sean 's face as he turned around to look at them , Ruth suspected that he had swerved on purpose .
19 Jimmy slouched back against the wall , and Cardiff was surprised to see a look of real concern on Rohmer 's face as he moved forward and pulled Jimmy away from it .
20 And then he saw the same look of horror on Jimmy 's face as he pulled him roughly back .
21 The most beautiful part of the ceremony was the delight on Todd 's face as he was wheeled close to the altar to receive the Eucharist with his arms outstretched .
22 His eyes were on Rostov 's face as he strapped it on .
23 She reached out to touch Jeopardy on the cheek , her hand gliding to rest on Lucien 's shoulder as she prepared to leave .
24 The remainder of the evening passed in a vague haze of laughter and conversation until Rob 's final kiss on Merrill 's cheek as she and Richard left .
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