Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And now I look back on the years I wasted on the building sites and I should 've become a policeman ea a lot earlier cos it 's great fun .
2 Her soft leather shoes made little sound on the stone steps and she was so lost in her thoughts that she did n't hear other footsteps coming as rapidly towards her .
3 You could put a glass of water on the window edges and it would not spill over .
4 However , it would be virtually impossible to force that onto people , on the branch officers and we recommend acceptance again with that qualification .
5 As in the degenerate Ferrari-IbaƱez solution , the singularity structure is thus complicated by the fact that the solution contains impulsive waves on the wave fronts and which form the boundaries of the interaction region .
6 What have been effects of the changes on the spending departments and their relationships with the Treasury ?
7 The removal of the requirement , while retaining the broad objectives , ended the controversy as a question of principle and placed the responsibility on the subject boards and their panels to monitor the ways in which institutions and their courses interpreted the changed policy .
8 The Maclean coat of arms was repainted on the funeral banners and his shield .
9 He 's just given a couple of experimental tugs on the lifting slings and he reckons the bomber , with the help of the flotation bags , of course , is nearing a state of neutral buoyancy .
10 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
11 Janet posted a letter for me last week to a friend who I worked with at Ipswich , she was one of the girls behind the counter and at the moment they , her and her husband , he , he , he , he was on the , he finished up but he started as a lad in the kitchen but he finished up as a chef on the dining cars and they married and er and they 've got er two children erm they 're married to and , and we kept , we 've kept in touch with each other for sixty years
12 William could see darker shadows moving on the garbage heaps and he knew these were rats and that the garbage was composed of rotting corpses and the rats were eating them , gorging on the swollen , putrefying bodies of the plague victims .
13 However , at a recent service I found signs of burning on the spark plugs and I have reverted to leaded .
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