Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This hypothesis was based on the finding of only a 30% positive response to acid perfusion in a series of 53 PSS patients .
2 If up to now you have thought of crime fiction in the traditional way , with a detective hero , with an attention-grabbing murder , you have now got to look on the art from quite a different angle .
3 The First ( or rather the first he acknowledged , since there had been a previous Quartettsatz he had written at the age of 25 ) was completed in 1920 after a long gestation period of four years — partly explicable by its extreme complexity and his elaborately detailed indications on the playing of almost every note .
4 ‘ A shot from Charlton , especially if hit on the run from outside the penalty area , is one of the great events of the sport , not because it is rare , which it is not , but because the power of it is massive and it erupts out of elegance , ’ Arthur Hopcraft , who followed Charlton 's career from shy schoolboy to elder statesman , wrote in his classic account of the English game , The Football Man .
5 The permission given by the 1969 Act for no-fault divorce was driven as much by a profound rethinking of the sources of morality by clerical and academic opinion as by the determined pursuit of individual self-interest on the part of either the population at large or lawyers in particular .
6 ‘ What do you find difficult about your teaching role ? ’ produced an almost unanimous response : lack of time on the part of either the consultant or the house officer , or both .
7 A second likely reason for the ineffectiveness of project work is that the activity itself does not have a clearly defined purpose on the part of either the teacher or the pupil .
8 On the part of both the government and the guerrillas , the behaviour is not very good for democracy .
9 It was noticeable that there was a willingness on the part of quite a number of voters to express as many preferences as there were candidates and the comment was sometimes made that while it was not too difficult to decide which candidates should be given first and early preferences and which candidates should be given last and later preferences it was less easy to decide the order of preference in which the middle range of candidates should be placed .
10 Later , much later , they breakfasted out on the balcony with only the Portuguese gardeners near by to disturb their peace .
11 Down swooped the privet bird , landing gracefully on the water with hardly a splash .
12 We drifted down past Magdalen Fellows ' Garden , borne along on the current with just the odd stroke to correct our course .
13 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
14 She 'd been on the floor for nearly every dance , and was having a whale of a time .
15 Besides revealing that many of the collection 's frames were damaged when National Gallery conservators removed paintings for examination , the students say that a plan to store works not included on the tour in either the National Gallery or the Philadelphia Museum of Art would bring the foundation 's art classes to an end .
16 From everything she says , it 's clear this gilgul 's been on the scene for quite a while — there is no way she could have learned what she 's learned , cleaned up her act and become who she is now if the only time she 's had to do it in was the brief interval between our confrontation at the Mephistco stand and her appearance on the beach at Bournemouth .
17 Safety requirements demand , among other things , the installation of multiple back-up systems for emergency cooling of the reactor , as well as constant checks by regulatory bodies on the standard of even the smallest weld .
18 The Prudential was assessed to stamp duty on the consideration for both the land and all building works on the grounds that the two agreements were a single commercial transaction , the substance of which was the sale of the developed site to the Prudential by the developers .
19 And er I was put up for the committee and was successful and sat on the committee for quite a number of years .
20 The stones of the wall did not seem to be held together with mortar , but instead they were keyed so that each lay on the other with hardly a sign of a join .
21 This entails a review of the impact of the Scarman Report , and other important policy documents , on the agenda of both the Government and other political institutions .
22 ‘ Reparations has been on the agenda for almost every generation of black Americans , ’ said Mr Walter Fauntroy , the District of Columbia 's representative in Congress .
23 Is it seriously suggested that the entire elderly population should be regularly screened , that a clear majority should be followed up monthly for six months , and that half should be treated for life on the basis of even the most optimistic interpretation of the trial data ?
24 It may stress the past as different and difficult to know , an important corrective to those who claim to discover the past ‘ speaking ’ on the basis of only a couple of selected voices .
25 these are quite cheap , even for bigger sizes and make a beautiful Christmas card stuck on the front of either a bought or home-made card .
26 We have had six products on the market for over a year .
27 The shop has been on the market for over a year , and I have been unable to find a buyer .
28 Yeah , yeah , I 've know that , that 's been on the market for about a year , year and a half now .
29 We stayed on the train for nearly a week , first being drawn down the track to Myinge where dear Jack Cardew took us into his house while the railway was repaired .
30 There had been a perceived increase in youthful crime in the early 1930s that seemed to correspond to an increase in youth unemployment — and again we can reflect on the familiarity of both the problem and the complaint .
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