Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In the case of ( a ) it is likely that the retailer would replace the machine , but his obligation would only be to offer a discount on the price in view of the damaged surface .
2 The parties might agree that , as against the vendor , Newco will take the benefit and burden of any deductions and payments under the capital goods regime which relate to intervals ending on the date of transfer of the capital items under the business sale agreement .
3 in the four year period commencing on the date of adoption of the Scheme not more than 2.5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may be issued under the Scheme .
4 6.1 This Agreement shall take effect on the date of signature of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of three years and from year to year thereafter until or unless terminated by either party giving to the other not less than six months ' prior written notice , subject always to prior termination as hereinafter specified .
5 It was a little plane , and it was going to come down on the road in front of the prison !
6 Janice and Rory were tucking into their salads ; the terrace of the Achnaba Hotel was crowded with tourists , and on the road in front of the hotel cars , caravans and coaches hummed past , heading for Lochgilphead , Gallanach , or Kintyre .
7 Combinations of options allow investors to create a huge variety of contingent contracts : paper assets whose returns depend on the change in price of the underlying asset in very particular ways .
8 Most conveyancers do not now object to dealing with requisitions on the title before exchange of contracts , although time limits are imposed for raising of requisitions after contracts have been exchanged .
9 She hardly knew Hereward Marr , but since her ordination had called all priests by their Christian names on the principle of brotherhood of the clergy .
10 The new constitution described the FRY as a " sovereign federal state based on the principle of equality of its citizens and its member republics " ; the republics had sovereignty over issues not within the competence of the FRY .
11 The Belfast and general Hiberno-English system seems to display a situation similar to EModE , and they cast considerable doubt on the principle of irreversibility of merger .
12 ‘ The current studies are sufficiently convincing for Eurotunnel to continue the development of its transport system on the principle of non-segregation of passengers for diesel and petrol cars and coaches , ’ the authority said .
13 In his Essay on the Principle of Population of 1797 , Malthus had argued that the human race always had the potential to breed faster than the food supply could be increased .
14 This scheme provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on the customer in respect of costs .
15 The Scheme , details of which can be supplied on request , provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on the customer in respect of costs .
16 The scheme ( details of which ABTA will supply on request ) provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on the customer in respect of costs .
17 Unlike the VSR , the value of the HSR depends on the angle of slant of the surface about a vertical axis , as well as on e and D .
18 Burun was using his short sword to cut thick slices from the meat on the platter in front of him .
19 Athelstan toyed with the food on the platter in front of him .
20 As a result of HCIMA 's presentation to the Tourism Intergroup of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in November , the Association was invited to have direct representation on the board of management of the European Foundation for the Accredition of Hotelschools ( EFAH ) .
21 She began to mince them into a fragrant green hill on the board in front of her .
22 For example , Spears ( 1982 ) states that little research has been done on the cost of rehabilitation of severely eroded hillsides .
23 Lord Charles Somerset 's governorship was marked by important developments on the colony 's unsettled eastern frontier , in the administration of affairs related to the transfer from Dutch to British rule , and in political conflict with radical elements on the issue of freedom of speech .
24 While the Semiconductor Industry Association is making mollifying noises on the issue of penetration of the Japanese chip market , but the new US administration is showing no such reticence , and US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor says he is ‘ resolute and determined ’ to pry open Japan 's semiconductor market to more US chips — ‘ We have every intention of creating a new framework of shared responsibility with our trading partners , ’ Kantor said in remarks prepared for the Semiconductor Industry Association .
25 The ANC secretary-general , Cyril Ramaphosa , said the government had made a major concession on the issue of devolution of power to regional governments .
26 Under their Chairman , Arthur Allen , the District 's committee raised a series of questions about the negotiated settlement and were unbending on the issue of retention of the District 's autonomy in all its affairs and highly critical of the failure to secure the appointment of Jacques as a joint
27 On the issue of reform of the Senate , the committee recommended an elected upper chamber , based not on equal provincial representation but on representation in accordance with each province 's population .
28 It was agreed to have further meetings on the issue in advance of the US-Russian summit planned for June in Washington .
29 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if he will make a statement on the progress of construction of the Sizewell B nuclear power station .
30 HAVING BEEN a regular reader of your magazine for a few years now , I have been most interested in the regular updates on the progress in restoration of Bf 109G G-USTV .
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