Example sentences of "on [pron] [adj] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it has actually worked , erm , in that it seems that there 's a very fair chance that er , in spite of the very discouraging things that were said by some of the people on my right when I moved this , erm , there is a very good chance now for a reasonable er , settlement in South Africa , which I think should erm , make everyone in this chamber very happy , and it is that , undoubtedly the case that economic pressure had a great deal to do with that .
2 Well no but I mean I I 'm on my third but I mean .
3 Mr Dods , of Coatham House Farm , Coatham Mundeville , said : ‘ When I was young I would barely get on a bus on my own but I got so much out of Young Farmers .
4 ‘ I 'm on my own but I like space .
5 I should like to go on my own but I do see that the gig would be a little draughty at night in evening dress .
6 Er another er rather another er on that tack of course talking about er well in this case a skeleton , I had a job to do just shortly before they closed Coney Street off fully and e it was myse I was on my own and I had t to pick up some dummies from er a ladies ' shop a dress shop .
7 ‘ Before Vladmir , I was all on my own as I toured round .
8 I cos I ca n't picture another stone you know on any other roadsides and I 've been on plenty that and I travel and no and I can never know of another st stone that was put up to a tramp .
9 There are some observers — myself included — who feel that the July meeting at Down Royal has now gained in importance to such an extent that it deserves to be kept on its own and I understand that the Killarney executive are not totally against a move to an earlier date .
10 I got ‘ A ’ on her own and I told her and she said that she now understands an awful lot of things .
11 Er I think she used to sing with a group and I think she 's gone on her own and I do n't know which one to go for .
12 And I can assure you that I did n't shine the torch on her longer than I needed to satisfy myself that she was beyond any help that I could give . ’
13 That 's right , he usually sits up there , and I 'm , not going to leave him on his own till I know he 's alright .
14 It depends on how much you can do how much Simon can do on his own if I give him stuff to do .
15 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
16 They said a , a normal person living on their own is only entitled to thirty nine pound sixty a week and that 's what I 've got in that book , but I do n't think they realise that I I 'm on me own and I 've got a gas , electricity and everything else to pay out of that
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