Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] of [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Remember , registering shareware means you often save up to 50% on the price of buying a similar package from a computer shop .
2 The two exiles fall in together and set out on the adventure of becoming a suburban couple .
3 Er land should be distributed by taking village as a single unit , that should be distributed in a unified manner according to the population therein based on the principle of allotting the land to its present tiller and making necessary readjustments in land held by taking into consideration the amount , the quality and location of land .
4 In Re Hopper ( 1867 ) LR 2 QB 367 , Lord Cockburn CJ said that a judicial inquiry was conducted on the principle of hearing the parties and the evidence of their witnesses .
5 Therefore , many hotels work on the principle of accepting a percentage more reservations than there is accommodation available .
6 He compared the legal systems of different societies , and showed that they varied according to how many laws were based on the principle of repression , and how many on the principle of restoring the situation to what it had previously been ( restitution ) .
7 These UPSs work on the principle of interposing a rechargeable bank of batteries in the mains supply , between the power socket and the electrical device .
8 Eikmeyer ( 1989 ) , in a paper from a conference on coherence , points out that reader interpretation depends on the depth of understanding the reader requires .
9 In contrast to make , which focusses essentially on the notion of producing an effect , force explicitly evokes the means used to bring about the realization of this effect , namely force , and so refers to something prior to the effect 's coming into being .
10 As regards Article 8 , by a majority of 12 to 3 , the court rested its decision ultimately on the notion of striking a fair balance between the interests of Rees and those of the British government .
11 As the news of Diana 's snubs emerged , Royal author Andrew Morton claimed she was on the verge of leaving the Royal Family .
12 Now , after three months ' intensive therapy at a Russian clinic , he 's on the verge of achieving the miracle that only he and his mum had expected .
13 We eventually got the repairs done free of charge , despite the fact that we were on the verge of receiving a repair bill totalling £100 .
14 Marek 's tremble quickened , as though he were on the verge of taking a decision .
15 A joint declaration issued by the EFTA heads of government and ministers stated that " we are now on the verge of taking a new step forward in the integration of Europe by forging a close and structured partnership with the EC " .
16 ‘ I am just so relieved we are on the verge of getting a much more sensible system of payment to them after all this time . ’
17 JAPANESE engineers claim to be on the verge of building the world 's most efficient Stirling , or heat ’ exchange , engine .
18 Obispal sounded to be on the verge of deducing the truth .
19 Its contents and tone led him to suspect that Diana was on the verge of quitting The Firm .
20 TONY MYLER is back in a Widnes jersey tomorrow — a month after he was on the verge of quitting the game .
21 In New York it was acid art in knocked-together Lower-East-Side lofts , and a meeting with John Wilcock on the verge of quitting the Voice and moving to Walter Bowart 's new East Village Other .
22 He began to juggle , making it look as if he was just on the verge of dropping the balls each time he caught them .
23 Delaney 's hand was on the verge of touching the blackened , grotesque head when , without warning , the scene was bathed in the harsh , piercing light of a flare .
24 OLD Trafford misfit Neil Webb is on the verge of demanding a transfer from Manchester United .
25 When he was looking to expand into Scotland , Britain was on the verge of joining the Common Market , a move Conran , a staunch European at the time , embraced with great enthusiasm .
26 She was on the verge of ignoring the summons , on the reasonable assumption that the visitor had pressed the wrong buzzer , when it sounded several more times .
27 Drawing with Iran and getting beat by Costa Rica are a great enough indignity , but coping with the knowledge that star players were on the verge of assaulting a policeman with a Hush Puppy is pushing loyalty to the limits .
28 In the 1960s the Northern Ireland Labour Party ( NILP ) was on the verge of becoming a significant political force , despite the fact that it had been left to fend for itself in very difficult circumstances .
29 I ca n't explain it , but it was as though I were transported outside of myself , on the verge of grasping the significance of being .
30 Unfortunately , just as we were on the verge of starting an affair , he heard that I had other irons in the fire . ’
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