Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [adj] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Identical powers may be given to any other named individual including a social worker although it is likely that police support will be most commonly enlisted .
2 You know , we , it might be alright to be a nice , to be likened to nice little furry lambs and all the rest of it , but to be likened to a sheep is not a compliment , it 's a bit of an insult , because there 's no more helpless , stupid creature harpi , God ever created than sheep !
3 The movies tackled society on the broadest front and refused to be confined to any one social zone but for all that one senses from the trade papers and social surveys that the industry had become preoccupied with its fashionable down-town audiences and that the super-cinemas were thought of as the social cutting edge of the trade .
4 One thesis I am arguing for claims that authoritative reasons are pre-emptive : the fact that an authority requires performance of an action is a reason for its performance which is not to be added to all other relevant reasons when assessing what to do , but should exclude and take the place of some of them .
5 The EC reached agreement on large cars in 1987 and , after a hard-fought battle , it was agreed in June 1989 that emission standards would be applied to all new small cars from 1992 .
6 Imported products which failed to meet these standards could be subjected to extra duties providing that : the environmental standards had a scientific base ; the same standards must be applied to all competitive domestic production ; and imported products could be proved to be causing economic damage to competitive domestic industries .
7 In its manifesto , the Ulster Unionist Party said : ‘ We can not accept as stable any system of governance which could not equally be applied to any other regional entity within the UK . ’
8 Cost , manpower and time availability will influence the number of measures that can be applied to any one public consultation exercise .
9 With the benefit of hindsight er could the tornado programme have been made more efficient with the lessons that you 've learnt so far , er from er Eurofighter an and secondly , perhaps more difficult , er the lessons you have learned from tornado and certainly from the current project , could they be transferred to other complicated collaborative er project , programmes like cobra and ?
10 In early 1966 Hayes was asked to nominate any prisoners he felt should be transferred to these new secure prisons .
11 The work of Douglas and Isherwood may be related to that Durkheimian pre-structuralist tradition which sees objects as aiding in the creation of a cognitive order based upon social divisions .
12 According to a second account , Locke 's ‘ substratum ’ should not be related to such abstract logical questions about the difference between ‘ things ’ and ‘ properties ’ .
13 This description assumes that the disorder can not be attributed to any known specific abnormality of the brain .
14 In general , any square matrix can be raised to any positive integral power by continued multiplication , in any order , by itself .
15 Let the bizarre and miraculous elements which the New Testament documents narrate about his activity be relegated to those far-off apostolic days : it would be very embarrassing and doctrinally untidy if the Holy Spirit were to speak to men today , or to enable miracles to be performed and men to speak in tongues not their own .
16 The ideas that are antagonistic to the global capitalist project can be reduced to one central counter-hegemonic idea , the rejection of the culture-ideology of consumerism itself .
17 If they mine there the whole of Tomduff is going to be reduced to one big ugly hole with no plant or bird life ’ .
18 The group will also be linked to other related Canadian research thus giving the project an international perspective .
19 Until investment — private or state — can be lured to these remote poverty-striken areas , farmers will continue to view the government and its foreign advisors as aggressive forces who want to take away their only livelihood .
20 According to Grey Walter in his book The Living Brain " informal experiments on executed criminals showed that electric shocks caused muscles to contract and twitch , and Louis " caused an electric shock from a battery of Leyden jars to be administered to seven hundred Carthusian monks joined hand to hand , with prodigious effect " .
21 Because of the management autonomy accorded to the company with respect to the charged assets , the company can create security interests that have priority to the floating charge : a floating charge will be deferred to any subsequent fixed legal or equitable charge created by the company over its assets .
22 In most mainframe mapping packages it is possible to produce the map in what is called device-independent form , so that it can be output to any suitable peripheral such as a plotter , a graphics display terminal or a film writer .
23 On the vexed question of how far soldiers and sailors should themselves be subjected to compulsory periodic genital inspection , medics and military chiefs were divided .
24 Efforts must be directed to stimulating latent creative abilities of rural people .
25 I find it to be an irritating reminder that the solid rail service taken for granted by this part of the country , the one that provides an essential lifeline spring , summer , autumn and winter , is eventually going to be lost to these seasonal theme-park trucks full of florid , truffle-guzzling lounge lizards .
26 He was involved in the successful campaign to get Skoal Bandits removed from sale in the UK and in preparing information to be sent to all prospective Parliamentary candidates in Scotland , as well as working on many other projects .
27 It is intended that the study should be extended to some 200 large UK companies , incorporating a variety of methodological refinements not previously employed in the literature .
28 Close attention will be paid to newly-available Soviet archival data on economic development .
29 Finally , remember that point-by-point comparisons can become tedious if extended too far ; a formal analysis always needs to be subordinated to some more general point you want to make .
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