Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In any real case a variation of several hundred from the predicted value would be expected due to chance alone , while predictions based on the two methods do not differ by as much as one record in any file examined by the author .
2 Only thus will land be made available at minimum instead of monopoly prices , and only thus will the would-be developer be enabled to foresee his commitments and calculate his risks — both essential conditions of ‘ mass production ’ in house-building .
3 Not only future proposals but also information about the present financial position of schools must be made available for reference both to parents and to others , in education offices and public libraries .
4 The Torah had to be made accessible in Greek both for religious service and for private reading .
5 It was stipulated that there was to be 23 hundred pounds to the " Tunn " and five score and twelve pounds to the hundred … " the bank to be made clear of ore Twice every year at least a week before ye 29th Sept and ye 1st day of May … "
6 The full ten thousand million lire , in well-worn notes , not consecutively numbered , was to be made ready for delivery immediately .
7 Bicycles can be hired free of charge once a week and tennis is free for 1 hour per week .
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