Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] any [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think that Judaism or Christianity will be altered by any of this — they have been around for too long for that .
2 It shows that no simple answer can be given to any of these questions , and that the questions , though reasonable , are themselves over-simplified .
3 Complexity of structure can be located at any of these points .
4 Laura would have approved of their aims , which almost a century later , stood as a beacon for her own philosophy ; they were ‘ to protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the body , impedes movement or injures health … and to promote the adoption according to individual taste and convenience of a style of dress based upon considerations of health , comfort and beauty and to deprecate the constant changes of fashion that can not be recommended on any of these grounds . ’
5 Management techniques can be applied to any of these processes , to serve the overall needs of the organization .
6 While most large Cichlids can be fed on any of these foods , some like the Theraps species , should have a diet that includes vegetable matter such as scalded cabbage and lettuce , or cooked peas .
7 As long as a Unionist MP had to pay his election expenses , or an association chairman to " treat " the party workers , or a constituency delegate to pay his own expenses to a midweek conference , then few working men would ever be selected for any of these posts .
8 The Blue Parrot may be operated in any of these forms .
9 ‘ Forasmuch as the exercise of archery is lawful , laudable , healthful , and innocent and to that end that God 's holy name may not be dishonoured by any of that society , it is agreed … that if any one of them shall that day curse or swear , in the hearing of any of the company … he shall forthwith pay down one shilling … to be distributed by the Captain , to the use of the poor of that place , or township where they shoot . ’
10 If you ca n't be bothered with any of this palaver , buy a whole fillet of beef .
11 Only the really great champions refuse to be sidetracked by any of these minor problems .
12 Any speaker , claiming to offer some definite view on the world , can be questioned in any of these domains , for all truth-directed speech acts have this inner structure .
13 Any design can be created in any of these seven formats and it will not matter on bit that you have used the Fair Isle option to draw a four colour jacquard design .
14 No adverse imputations need be or ought to be levelled at any of those witnesses .
15 The police were not to be informed of any of these arrangements or to be involved in the payoff in any way .
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