Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sight deposits are any deposits that can be withdrawn on demand by the depositor without penalty .
2 The fashion for Bonington among French collectors can be explained in part by the wave of anglophilia that swept France under the Restoration .
3 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
4 This shortcoming can be explained in part by the alleged deficiencies of the respective approaches ( social administrators have been criticized for their less than rigorous historical investigations ( Thane , 1992 ) whilst historians have been taken to task for their reluctance to engage in broad theoretical debate ) .
5 According to the report , the overall net downgrading can be explained in part by the increased monitoring effort of the NRA and by the hot and dry summers of 1989 and 1990 , which in many areas reduced the amount of water available to dilute the inputs of contaminating waste .
6 Any member failing to pay his subscription for one year or more may be dismissed from membership by the Council at a duly convened meeting , or by a postal ballot of the voting members of Council .
7 One might suppose , then , that under the RES an exclusion clause would be superfluous , since the few parties affected by it would be debarred from representation by the very paucity of their support .
8 The Banking Commission had recommended that the defects in the law which it had identified should be examined in depth by a special commission .
9 Both posts were to be filled by election by the full congress .
10 The screen was obviously needed because trains approaching from Horderley would be hidden from view by the spur of hillside around which the road ran .
11 Three cardiac arrest patients had to be flown to hospital by the North Wales police helicopter because ambulances could not get through the floods .
12 The Royal College 's proposals would allow a person to be recalled to hospital by a doctor without an application by an approved social worker , even where a person is symptom-free .
13 " The very circumstances which will make a person be regarded with disfavour by the criminal classes will raise his character in the estimation of right-thinking men .
14 Where review is based upon procedural grounds the applicability of such procedural protection should not be placed in jeopardy by the court second guessing whether a hearing would have made a difference .
15 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
16 This , however , was no more than a ‘ general outline ’ which needed to be developed in detail by the scholarly community ; indeed it was ‘ vitally necessary ’ that they do so .
17 However , as I told the right hon. Member for Chesterfield ( Mr. Benn ) , there will be an opportunity in due course for the legislation that enacts the agreement to be considered in detail by the House .
18 The President announced that with the exception of these two Committees , it was customary for all Offices to be voted for en-bloc by a show of hands .
19 Like aggression , it may be blamed on attack by a predatory spirit .
20 In fact they expected to meet with USL chairman Bob Kavner and lay their money on the table the week before Christmas , only to be caught off guard by the Novell announcement .
21 Woods , fields , brooks , materialised through the morning mist to be dappled into perfection by an early , creamy sunlight .
22 The latter action was exclusively unofficial , and repudiated by the union , but it was widely known to be organised in secret by a small group of shop stewards .
23 Accordingly they do not have to be rescued from death by a Saviour ; nor from Hell , for they are not judged at death to Hell or Heaven , but sent to ‘ the halls of Mandos ’ , from which they may in time return .
24 In extreme cases the meaning and effectiveness of the terms may even be clarified by consideration by the courts .
25 A formal announcement will be made in Parliament by the end of the month .
26 Johnston , a repeated critic of the Deans family , added : ‘ Two years ago , I told Hamish Deans that if his son took over Falkirk , he would either be accepted for life by the Falkirk fans or hounded until he left .
27 In the case of a policy underwritten on the basis of ‘ New for Old ’ or an agreed value , any payment should be regarded as the net outlay of the Direct Insurer and should be accepted without question by the other Insurer .
28 The loss of an efficient officer , however , was not to be accepted without protest by the captain who lost his services , and Captain Robert Digby , for example , protested in strong terms the impending transfer of Midshipman Callender from his ship to Captain Keith Stewart 's Berwick in 1778 , pointing out that ‘ this Mr. Callender I made a midshipman myself upon finding Sir Lawrence Dundas was his friend ’ and complained of ‘ Scotch captains being allowed to pick the quarterdecks of other ships without the captain 's consent … ’
29 Areas to be covered by a common foreign security policy would be decided by consensus by the European Council but thereafter decisions on these issues could be decided by a weighted majority .
30 Margaret agreed to be seen at home by the therapist initially for three sessions , to help her express her feelings of grief about the loss of her husband , and to explore ways of coping with her practical problems .
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