Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 A waterfall does not have to be prefabricated to be successful and in certain circumstances it is desirable that it is not so .
2 If the testable condition evaluates to 1 , for example , the result of the test would be considered to be TRUE and the THEN part of the IF …
3 It is surely reasonable that taxes should be designed to be easy and cheap to collect , difficult to avoid and should not be a discouragement to the enterprise and effort of those paying them .
4 Under these circumstances bood sizes would be expected to be low and behavioural traits to emphasize careful and effective rearing and foraging under difficult circumstances .
5 My objection was not to discussion of the subject , but to the refusal of those who might be expected to be clear and able spokesmen of the Church to commit themselves to a firm position on right and wrong .
6 If E. K. Chambers could be suspected of being dull and pedantic , what were Fox 's qualities ?
7 Of course , no matter how explicit these conventional procedures are or how scrupulously they are used , some cases will arise , as the sample cases showed , when the instructions will be seen to be unclear or incomplete .
8 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
9 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
10 N C V O must therefore , draw together voluntary organisations effectively and be seen to be responsive and creative .
11 The first might be said to be context- and task-independent : we can understand what a sequence of symbols is meant to represent , without understanding the context within which those symbols might be put to use .
12 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
13 In adjudicating , a meaning is attributed to a rule of law which can not be said to be correct or incorrect .
14 I mean I know an awful lot of people outside Harlow who who come here but Harlow people could be said to be apathetic or not being marketed rightly .
15 Miss Ellis writes cleverly and without wasting words , and her tale of Lili whose father is Egyptian and whose mother English , and whose own nature allows her to assume either nationality as the whim takes her , can be said to be compact and readable .
16 Is saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm so tired ’ natural tiredness-behaviour for us , in spite of the fact that ‘ I 'm tired ’ , unlike yawning , even pretence yawning , can be said to be true or false ?
17 Thus each group of accounts might be said to be objective but they are not comparable .
18 But other concerns seem to centre around whether animals might properly be said to be happy or free from worry' , not in the sense of being healthy and free from pain but rather with the human paradigm in mind .
19 Consider the extent to which the approach can be said to be atomistic or holistic , bottom-up or top-down .
20 Some change is certainly necessary , but by itself can not be said to be sufficient or specific .
21 Yet again , the optimal solution may be felt to be unsatisfactory and further reflection reveal that the reason for this is that some aspect of the problem has not been modelled adequately .
22 erm Although one would hate to be , I do n't want to be accused of being elitist and saying that E H O's must do a particular job , but what I would like to say it that we need people who are trained to a sufficient level to be able to do the ultra high risk catering area , as distinct from other high-risk areas .
23 Yes I often used to be accused of being Welsh but it is different .
24 There was nothing to be got from being disagreeable or testy .
25 Do n't be persuaded to be safe and sensible when you would rather be dashing and adventurous in your choice .
26 As Stocking has shown , an innovation may be shown to be effective but not adopted widely , whereas another innovation may not have been demonstrated to be effective yet can become widely accepted in practice .
27 Advantage should be taken of external courses where these can be shown to be relevant and cost effective .
28 The problems of life-histories and oral history are fairly self-evident : they can not be shown to be representative or valid .
29 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
30 Where the subtests can be shown to be reliable and valid , such subtests scores may provide a useful profile of the child 's ability in a variety of areas .
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