Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [conj] you [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose your boss asks you for suggestions about how a particular problem could be solved and you immediately respond with some ideas .
2 Parents and children both desperately need each other 's love and respect and it is important to let it be seen that you still accept and value one another , even in the midst of the turbulent years of the teens .
3 ( 4 ) You can be prosecuted if you dishonestly answer or , without reasonable excuse , fail to answer questions put to you .
4 They will usually have to charge for these , but you may be reimbursed if you subsequently register with the agency or fulfil a certain number of hours working for the agency .
5 It will not be appreciated if you just say : " These all bombed out " .
6 It 's ironic that a prostitute can get a hotel room by bribing someone but if you 're a respectable woman you are likely to be arrested if you even try to get through the front door .
7 Erm secondly erm if you do get engaged in a contest , the consequences of failure should be weighed before you actually get involved .
8 c ) Receipt of your order on behalf of the operator of your choice will be acknowledged if you so request but please enclose the appropriate postage ( from overseas enclose an International Reply Coupon , two or more for AIRMAIL replies ) .
9 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
10 Deprived of attention , the dog should then quieten down quite quickly , and ultimately behaviour of this kind can be overcome if you then return home without allowing the dog out of the vehicle on this occasion .
11 However thick the dust on your bookshelves may be you will either be reassured that you still remember a great deal of what you originally learnt from your training and former jobs , or you will be seized by momentary panic at how much you have forgotten .
12 This can not be achieved if you constantly chatter and move about .
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