Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [conj] [art] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The sequel was the War Powers Act ( 1973 ) under which the President had to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces abroad ; in addition the forces had to be withdrawn unless the action was formally authorized by Congress .
2 They were some of the first cars to be withdrawn when the fleet was modernised , and they were scrapped in 1934 .
3 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
4 Well unfortunately er it was the practice of shipyards for a long number of years , er to have maybe two or three squads of riveters that were kept in a yard on a sort of permanent basis , but you would invariably find that most of the squads would be sacked when the boat was launched , and taken back on again as they were needed .
5 Assuming that we know how the phonemes of a particular word would be realised when the word was pronounced in isolation , when we find a phoneme realised differently as a result of being near some other phoneme belonging to a neighbouring word we call this an instance of assimilation .
6 She said it was unnecessary for the legal relationship of parent and child to be broken when the child was already secure in her new family .
7 Humanitarian aid would have to be halted if an attack was sanctioned , Mr Boutros-Ghali added .
8 Inside the walls at Famagusta Gate , the shouting could still be heard as the Queen was presented with the key to the city by the Mayor of Nicosia .
9 Frankie heard his name mentioned several times and knew he would be punished when the row was over .
10 The landowners , who are developing the 3,000-home Grange Farm estate , say they were told that only 1,600 homes could be erected before the bypass was built .
11 Consequently , the other entries had to be shuffled and no entry was made for K2 500m and K4 1km .
12 Their room for manoeuvre , however , was judged to be limited because the budget was generally considered to be the product of the constraints which the Democrat-dominated Congress had imposed in October 1990 on domestic and defence expenditure [ see p. 37768 ] .
13 ‘ I can hardly be blamed if the production was cancelled . ’
14 The Labyrinth dominates our thinking about Knossos , but it must not be forgotten that the temple was surrounded by a Minoan city , most of which remains unexcavated .
15 If the actual performance of liege homage could be staved off by Henry 's successors until the territorial clauses of the 1259 treaty were properly implemented , then it could be claimed that the duke was acting as defacto sovereign in his duchy until such time as the agreement was fulfilled .
16 The dice would be recast if the outcome was incompatible with the assumptions , so that a southerly-flowing segment would be prohibited from turning through 180° and flowing north .
17 They insisted their project had a backer but there were commercial reasons why the details could not be revealed until the deal was finalised .
18 ‘ within the limits of an uncontrolled zebra crossing ’ This point is proved with the last point and mention can be made that the crossing was not controlled .
19 However , its stance was no cruder than most war movies made during wartime ; and it remains the only major Hollywood film about Vietnam to be made while the war was being waged .
20 A certificate was issued so that the funeral arrangements could be made and the inquest was adjourned to a date to be fixed .
21 The General Commissioners dismissed the taxpayers ' appeal , accepting the Crown 's arguments that there was one practice and that an election under para 21(2) could not be made where a trade was split into two .
22 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
23 It can be seen that the trie was in fact faster to search than the reduced memory tree in all three cases , however it uses more memory ( approximately one and a half times as much as the reduced memory tree ) .
24 Sally-Anne tossed her head at this , and repeated that it was all nothing — ‘ And really you should not make such a fuss over so little ’ — but all the same she was happy to let Matey help her up to bed ; she felt strangely weak , and the thought of Sunday lunch and washing up , and all the work to be done before the day was over , made her feel worse than ever .
25 This could not be done where the contract was for the sale of purely generic goods .
26 Finsbury Park or the Euston Road , but more serious damage could be done if a fatty was seen wearing a bad pair of trainers by the opposing teams ' fashion spotters .
27 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
28 So it may be said that the legislation was promoted by a pressure group whose perception of Co-operation was decried by the Consumers ' Movement ; and passed under a Tory rather that a Liberal Government because a trade union tried to make a tactical use of just that form of co-operative preferred by the promoters and decried by the Consumers ' Movement .
29 The two limitations were that recovery will not be available : ( 1 ) where it can properly be said that the payment was made to close the transaction , and ( 2 ) where the payer was mistaken as to the proper interpretation of the statute .
30 ‘ It can not be said that the contract was cancelled by [ the petitioner ] when payment was not made by [ the first and second respondents ] on 23 May 1988 .
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