Example sentences of "be [adj] [that] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The president of the European Commission , Mr Jacques Delors , was said to be delighted that Bonn would throw its weight behind a more rapid move to the controversial , supra-national stages of economic and monetary union .
2 ‘ If Dino Zoff decides to pick him then he must be confident that Gazza can handle it .
3 They will need to sustain their effort at a much greater level in the replay , though — and you can be sure that Monaghan might have a couple more tricks up their sleeve .
4 If the U K could be sure that McDonnell-Douglas would stay in , and provide effective competition to Boeing , it might be worth allowing Airbus to fold : European consumers would still get the benefit of cheaper planes .
5 In this instance the foul play was the deliberate knock-down , and Derek had to be sure that Rory would have caught the ball and that no Australian would have legally prevented him scoring a try .
6 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
7 Id then be happy that Leeds could compete against any type of side .
8 Of course , we can not be certain that Europe will succeed .
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