Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] it [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Can I just ask , would it be different if it had been a military aircraft ?
2 If merely set at a given focal length , the zoom lens will simply act as a normal though infinitely variable lens ( between its limits ) and the viewer will be unaware that it has been used at all .
3 He called for a reduction in the special car tax , and I am sure that he will be delighted that it has been halved .
4 " Income " includes income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( UK source income ) and any income which would be chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
5 Who could be sure that it had been positioned correctly , that the first thick black line was exactly three feet and six inches from the green tiles of the floor ?
6 When delivered , it was discovered to be poisonous because it had been contaminated with castor oil .
7 He vacillates between describing the connection between creativity and psychosis as ‘ folk-loristic ’ and ‘ clearly exaggerated ’ , and confessing to be puzzled that it has been documented so often .
8 Oxidised LDL may also be procoagulant since it has been described as stimulating endothelial tissue factor activity and inhibiting activation of protein C. Despite these tremendous advances , the authors wisely remind us that many patients with coronary disease have few or none of the known risk factors .
9 Imre Szász , a large , solid-framed man , pointed out to me that in Hungary the Budapest accent was , for a long time , held to be inferior because it had been debased by non-Magyar and , in particular , Jewish elements , whereas the country accents were all perfectly acceptable .
10 The census office has warned that some of the information released could be misleading until it has been fully analysed .
11 This was to have travelled to and from Waterloo via Havant , Fareham and Eastleigh and no doubt many enthusiasts in that area will be disappointed that it has been cancelled .
12 I mean if he charges two and a half I would n't be disappointed cos it 's been in his garage , he 's pushed everything along and he 's always so
13 These provisions were strengthened in the 1982 Act which provided that no closed shop should be enforceable unless it had been approved by a clear majority of employees voting in a secret ballot .
14 Nobody expected it to be competitive but it had been thought that any team serious enough to build and enter a grand prix car should be competent enough to make it last more than five consecutive laps .
15 However , given the speed of development in the industry this is unlikely to be a great advantage as there is a danger that the product will be obsolete before it has been exploited .
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