Example sentences of "be [adj] [adv] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus for increasing exposure a rise in the reading could be due either to new material seen or to the phenomenon that we have called spreading , i.e. the effect according to which a subject is seen as larger merely because of a longer exposure .
2 In private banking , net provisions jumped from £1.6 million to £4.8 million , said to be due principally to unpaid mortgages .
3 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
4 This last objection can be put in a form applicable to many of the theories discussed in this book : that it may be a mistake to try to define the essential features of literature in absolute and objective terms ; that such definitions as one may devise are likely to be relevant only to certain kinds or certain features of literature , or merely constitute one among a number of possible ways of approaching the subject .
5 The generating station must be close enough to major population centres to ensure a sufficient labour supply ;
6 The administrative effort involved in collecting them should be devoted instead to improving enforcement of other taxes , ’ argued a recent International Monetary Fund study .
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