Example sentences of "be [verb] or [adv] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Not without opposition from other sections of the bureaucracy especially those.in Finance ministries , MITI argued that long-term self-reliance for Japan would be delayed or even undermined by following its apparent comparative advantage into labour intensive sectors .
2 14.1 This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by any Party in whole or in Party without the express prior written consent of the other Parties .
3 It must NOT be deleted or otherwise removed by the Hard Copy Manager .
4 If , as seems likely , the trend continues for the curricular domination of individual subjects to be supplemented or indeed replaced by a more fluid organization of learning in terms of either modular units or work-related competencies , this is also likely to strengthen the support for records of achievement with or without a component of external examination .
5 Owen distrusted castles unless he had had the ordering of them and the garrisoning for a year or more ; there was infinitely more safety in the hills , because the hills were his castle and not another man 's , and could not be betrayed or easily taken by storm .
6 A model damaged by a bolt thrower sustains not 1 but D4 wounds , which means that even large monsters can be hurt or even slain by a hit from a bolt thrower .
7 Whilst the nine freedoms for the model spaces may be fixed or automatically updated by associative rules , it is also necessary to be able to express a range for the view parameters .
8 All life-forms exist ultimately to be eaten or otherwise consumed by animals : by predators , for example , ( you can include man ) , by microbes or by auto-digestion .
9 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
10 Because the bills are the forfaiter 's only security , the bills will require to be endorsed or otherwise guaranteed by an acceptable bank , unless the buyer is of undoubted financial standing .
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